Chapter 5

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" Jack I ... I don't know if that was the right thing to do or not." I started to pace around the rooftop. "What do you mean Vanessa?" he said. "I never thought about Lily ya know? How she would feel... we got into a fight before this, and if she found out... I would loose my best friend. Jack stood up and grabbed both of my hands and stood toward me. He put his forehead against mine. " Why does it matter? It's your life, do what you want." he said and then kissed me again. " I guess your right... but I can't imagine my life without her." I said. "Look, how about you go home and think about it, and let me know." With that, he walked off of the rooftop and into the house. I stood there alone thinking about what I did. After a couple of minutes I went back into the house where Jack was waiting at the door. "Bye, Jack. I'll call you." I said. He closed the door. I got into my car and drove home. I fell right asleep.

I woke up and it was about 10:00 am. I walked over to Lily's house and knocked on the door. Her little brother Dylan answered. " Hey Vanessa, Lily is at the beach." he said. "Oh, thanks for letting me know." I said and walked away from the door. I ran onto the beach and took of my flip flops so my feet came in contact with the burning sand. I saw Lily's phone case and it caught my eye so I say my shoes down and ran straight from the chair. "Lily! Lily!?". I kept yelling her name but there was no response.

I ran into the ocean and I saw someone floating out in the distance. I swam out about 3 miles and saw someone fight to

my left. It was a surf board. Great. I started to swim back until I heard someone yell my name. "Vanessa"? she yelled. "Lily!" I yelled and turned around. I could barely stand as the waves were coming sense we had swam in a little. We were at the shore within a couple of minutes. It was absolutely silent on the way back, swimming. Once we got on shore I started to talk to her.

"What were you doing out there?" I asked. " I was trying to swim too the Gulf of Mexico." she said, with a straight face. "No really, Lily." I said. "I was just trying to surf, you know.. to get my mind of things, but I guess a rip ride or something pulled me out. " she said. " Can I ask you something?" I said. "Sure." she said. "Why were you so upset, when I hung out with Jack last night?" I asked. "Because that my dream, Vanessa! " She continued. "I never thought we would meet them... but for you to go on the date that I have been fantasizing about for years? That's unreal." she yelled. "Okay, I'm sorry." I said.

She walked up from the beach and back up to her door and took out her keys. "Look please just don't be upset with me." I begged. "Are you going back there tonight?" she asked right when she turned around. "Were seeing a movie, and then going back too my house.... but just please...." she turned around and slammed her front door after she walked in. "Lilly!!!" I tried screaming, but there was no answer.

So I went home. I got ready for our date. I was doing my hair and I heard somebody knock on the door. I looked at the clock at it was 8:00, the time he said he would be at my house. "Oh my god..." I say to my self as I unplug my wand and race down the steps. I open the door. "Not ready, are you?" he said. "Pshhh, sure I'm ready." I said. "Alright, then let's go." he said.

He slipped his fingers between mine right before he stopped right where he was. "Vanessa, I know that I met you two nights ago. And I know that if you say no.. it would make sense. But Vanessa, I don't want to be away from you right now. So, I wanted to know if you would come to Magcon with me?" he asked. "Oh wow. I have one question that will probably not make you happy." I said. "Sure, Vanessa. Lilly can come too." he said. That brought a huge smile to my face to my face so I jumped up and hugged him. " Thank you so much, I would love to come with you." I said, happily. "So when do we leave?" I asked. "Friday morning." he said. Today was Wednesday night. "Oh wow, okay." I said.

So we got to the movies. He forced me to go see a scary movie... I told him that I was scared, he didn't seem too care too much. We walked into the movie and it was set to start in 3 minutes. So about halfway through the movie, Jack tells me he has to go to the bathroom. So I say okay, but obviously I was truly scared to death without him. He only left for a couple minutes. But, I was terrified, I had my knees up at my chest and I was biting my nails. Jack walked in. "Aw, I didn't realize you'd be that scared." he said, and hugged me with my knees still in. "We can leave if you want." he added. "Please?" I asked.

As we walked out jack grabbed my hand to hold it. I kind of just acted like I didn't notice, like it was casual. "Look I'm sorry I ruined our night, we can go back to my house if that's ok with you." I said. "You didn't ruin my night at all." he said. We drove over to my house and say on the couch with a blanket. My parents were at a baseball game for my brother and then they went out for desert so they won't be home for a while, I thought to myself. "So, you coming to magcon right?"he asked. "Yea, I texted my mom while we were on our way to the movies." I confirmed. We were sitting on the couch and somebody knocks on the door. "I'll get it." I say and walk over. "It's Lily." I turn back to Jack and roll my eyes.

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