Chapter 1

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Hi. My name is Vanessa. I live in a beach house in Los Angeles, California. The beach house right next to mine, is my best friend Lily's house. I've never really been into the vine/ magcon boys. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't dislike them.. I'm just not into them like other girls are. I think as I put my bathing suit on and fill my beach bag with everything I need for a beach day with Lily. She knocks on the door and I walk out and try not to wake up my brother. We go out onto the beach and I start setting up and Lily starts screaming. " Lily, what the hell?" I say startled. " Vanessa, it's Jack Gilinsky." Lily explains. Lily is basically spends hours obsessing over people who won't even ever know she exists.

"Vanessa we have to go over there." she says. " you go over there Lily I'll be over there when I'm done setting." I said. " ok just be quick." Lily hesitated. she walks away. We were basically the only ones that's were around his age. So I set up and I walked over a bit. I was just standing a few inches away. I was pulled over by Lily when my eyes met Jacks. Jack Gilinsky's. I looked down. I looked up again and he was still staring, and he kept staring until one of his fans got his attention again. that was basically the rest of the interesting parts of the day. I got home and Lily came over. After awhile I heard a knock on the door.

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