Happy Family

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Aliza leaned against the wooden door. She sank, bringing her knees against her chest and wrapping her arms around her body. Her body felt heavy and cold and her limbs were numb. The weight of every lie and secret came crashing down on her, making her eyes water.

This was never temporary, the Mikaelsons wanted to use her to bury their sins. They didn't care about her, they never did care about her, her life, or her happiness. She was just a pawn for them, a missing piece to fix their broken shell of a family. They never saw her as their niece, just some girl who happened to be the daughter of the brother they all loathed.

A sharp pain pierced in her chest. She gasped, the tears falling down her cheeks. Aliza closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, remembering the exercise her mother had taught her whenever she felt her lungs go dry.

"I'm sorry."

Aliza opened her eyes to see Henrik sitting on the floor in front of her with a pained look in his eyes.

She sniffed, wiping her tears with the back of her hands, "Dude, how many times did I tell you to make some sound?" She said, not looking at him.

Henrik sighed, "This is not the way I had imagined things to be."

"Then what did you imagine? Everyone shedding tears of joy?" Aliza asked, bitterly.

"Kol can be-"

"He hates me, Henrik. Open your goddamn eyes." She snapped.

Henrik shook his head, "They are your family, Aliza. No one hates you."

"No, they are not!" Aliza yelled, frustration evident in her voice, "We just happen to share the same blood and that's it! There is no place for me in that family and I don't want to be a part of it!"

"Don't say that." He pleaded, his voice small and shaking. This was not supposed to happen, Aliza was supposed to feel welcomed and loved, not hated. His heart broke as he watched the tears rolling from Aliza's eyes.

"What do you want me to say? That Kol can be a little harsh? That Klaus had his reasons-"

"I'm a Mikaelson too."

Aliza stared at him for a few seconds before saying anything.


"Let me-" He took a deep breath, "Allow me to tell you everything that happened to us. Please, just listen, and then you can make your decision."

She sighed but gave in, nodding her head. It would be unfair of her to just walk away without knowing anything. Her choice was firm, she had no intention of staying and she doubted anything could make her change her mind at this point.

Henrik began, "Our mother, Esther, was born in a family of witches in the kingdom of Norway. She had an elder sister, Dahlia, they were very different. Our mother wished to fall in love, to have a simple life and family, she was never interested in witchcraft but Dahlia was devoted to perfect herself in the Black Arts.

Their village was invaded by Vikings. Our mother and Dahlia survived because of their magic, they promised each other that no matter what happens they would remain together, always and forever."

Viking men would often buy or capture women and force them to be their wives. Aliza hoped the story would take a different turn instead of what she truly thought had happened.

"When the Vikings found them, Dahlia tried to protect our mother with her magic that caused them both to be held captive by the men.

Dahlia loved our mother dearly. She agreed to do the dark magic the Vikings wished for and took every abuse in her sister's place, endured every horror imaginable in their situation. But our mother fell in love with one of their captors, Mikeal, our father."

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