
678 26 15

it's back :)

*QueenShuri has joined the chat

QueenShuri: Sup bitches

QueenShuri: It's been a hot minute

*SpideySon has joined the chat

*SpideySon has changed name to spideyson

spideyson: damn it has

spideyson: what's going on with you?

QueenShuri: Nothing much but I have a question

spideyson: yes?

QueenShuri: What's with the lowercase letters

spideyson: i'm trying to be aesthetic

QueenShuri: Seriously?

spideyson: i'll stop if it bothers you

QueenShuri: No it doesn't, it's actually easier to type if I don't have to capitalize everything

*QueenShuri has changed name to queenshuri

queenshuri: yeah i like this

queenshuri: let's be aesthetic buddies

spideyson: hell yeah

spideyson: where is everyone anyways?

queenshuri: who knows? probably doing something stupid

queenshuri: or at least stark is

*Irondad has entered the chat

queenshuri: speak of the devil

Irondad: I'll have you know Shuri I wasn't doing anything stupid

spideyson: what were you doing?

queenshuri: something really stupid

Irondad: I was working on my suit

queenshuri: sure you were

*QueenNat has joined the chat

QueenNat: I sensed Stark was doing something stupid

Irondad: How the hell did you know

QueenNat: I'm Black Widow

queenshuri: *bitch

QueenNat: Thanks for that Shuri

queenshuri: :)

Irondad: Did you just use an emoticon?

queenshuri: hell yeah i did

queenshuri: they are awesome :)

Irondad: They made emojis so you wouldn't have to use them anymore

queenshuri: that's such a dad thing to say

spideyson: :()

spideyson: :(


*OldMan has joined the chat

queenshuri: i swear to god rogers if you say language i will rip your face off through the screen

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