The Battle

1.9K 48 30

*IronPeasant has changed their name to IronLord

*HackerShuri has changed their name to GoddessShuri

*IronLord has changed GoddessShuri to SlipUpShuri

*SlipUpShuri has changed IronLord to IronBaby

*IronBaby has changed SlipUpShuri to LoserShuri

*LoserShuri has changed IronBaby to ManBaby (wait not even a man)

*LoserShuri has changed their name to WinnerShuri

*WinnerShuri has taken away controls from ManBaby (wait not even a man)

*WinnerShuri has changed Manbaby (wait not even a man) to Ironboy

Ironboy- Wait, how did you do that!!!

WinnerShuri- I have my ways

*Ironboy has left the chat

WinnerShuri- Now, lets have some fun 

*WinnerShuri has changed Capsicle to OldMan

*WinnerShuri has changed Pucky to GoatGuy

*WinnerShuri has changed ScienceBro to ScienceGuy

*WinnerShuri has changed Spideykid to Arachnakid

*WinnerShuri has changed Katniss to ArrowGuy

*WinnerShuri has changed BlackCat to Bagheera

*WinnerShuri has changed MindMagic to WizardWanda

*WinnerShuri has changed LighteningGod to HammerGuy

WinnerShuri- That is better

Arachnakid- What is with you and the word guy

WinnerShuri- Probably the fact that this is the closest I will ever get to a guy

Arachnakid- Why Arachnakid

OldMan- Really?

ArrowGuy- I like this better

Bagheera- Why Sister

WizardWanda- Thanks Shuri I like mine

GoatGuy- ONE TIME!!!!


WinnerShuri- You guys would not know real art if it knocked you down a cliff

WinnerShuri- I'm outta here

*WinnerShuri has left the chat

OldMan- Hey Bucky, want to go do something

GoatGuy- Sure

*OldMan and GoatGuy have left the chat

QueenNat- Hey Clint, wanna train


ArrowGuy- But sure

*QueenNat and ArrowGuy have left the chat

WizardWanda- Me and Vision will join you 

*WizardWanda and RedGuy have left the chat

ScienceGuy- I have to work on stuff in the lab

*ScienceGuy has left the chat

Arachnakid- Homework

*Arachnakid has left the chat

HammerGuy- I have Asgardian business

*HammerGuy has left the chat

A little while later...

*Birdbrain has joined the chat

Birdbrain- Damn I missed all of this

Birdbrain- Wait, how can Thor use a phone

Birdbrain- All alone

*Birdbrain has left the chat

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