Life and The End

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Ironboy: Hey kid, how was your day

Arachnakid: Horrible, Depressing, Excruciating, Depressing, Long, Hard, and oh, did I say Depressing?

Ironboy: Are you okay kid?

*GoatGuy, OldMan, ArrowGuy, HammerGuy, QueenNat, WinnerShuri, ScienceGuy, Birdbrain, and Bagheera has entered the chat

WinnerShuri: I hate life

Bagheera: Are you alright sister?

Arachnakid: We should end things

Ironboy: Kid, everything will be okay, why don't you come over to the compound and we will have a talk

WinnerShuri: Hey Peter

Arachnakid: Yeah

WinnerShuri: I want to come too

Arachnakid; K, where?

WinnerShuri: Somewhere nice to spend our last moments

OldMan: Shuri and Peter, don't do this

GoatGuy: Yeah please, if you don't I will let you play with my goats

ArrowGuy: I will stop complaining

Birdbrain: That's a lie

QueenNat: Not the time Wilson and Barton

QueenNat: I will let you be queen, you deserve it

ScienceGuy: You can come to my lab Shuri

Ironboy: I will give you your new suit Peter

Bagheera: The sun will shine again sister

HammerGuy: I will reward you with my pop tarts Shuri of Winners and Kid of Arachne

WinnerShuri: Normal spot?

Arachnakid: Yep

Arachnakid: I just want to say thanks to you guys, you are like my family. Mr. Stark, you have been a great father to me. I love you guys.

Arachnakid: *Mentor, sorry (I love Irondad and Spiderson)

WinnerShuri: Thanks brother for dealing with me, I know it is a lot to handle, and thanks to the team, I will miss you


Ironboy: NO!!!!!!!!!!

Bagheera: Sister, do NOT do it

*WizardWanda and RedGuy have joined the chat

WizardWanda: I don't know you two very well, but things will get better

OldMan: I will never forget when Peter helped me set up a Twitter account

GoatGuy: I will name my next goats after them

ArrowGuy: She changed my nickname

QueenNat: She will be Queen forever

Birdbrain: Peter had some killer skillz

ArrowGuy: Normally I would correct you but then Nat would kill me, that would be too much death

ScienceGuy: Peter was so smart

WizardWanda: They were amazing friends

HammerGuy: They will have a memorial on Asgard

Bagheera: My sister will be remembered along with her friend

Ironboy: He was my son

Ironboy: Shuri was a good person too, even though she was hella annoying

*Ironboy has changed WinnerShuri to QueenShuri

*Ironboy has changed Arachnakid to Peter Stark

QueenShuri: The power of Christ compels you


Peter Stark: ME TOO! Hey Dad!

Peter Stark: I mean Mr. Stark

Ironboy: Kid, you scared me!

OldMan: All of us

QueenShuri: That was fun though, I mean now we got a bunch of stuff, can't wait to see the lab

QueenShuri: And Bucky, I knew it!

GoatGuy: Damnit

QueenShuri: I can see a Shuri the Goat

Peter Stark: And I got a new suit. Awesome!

Peter Stark: And a father

Ironboy: Really?

Peter Stark: Yeah, I missed you Dad

QueenShuri: This is adorable

*QueenShuri has changed Ironboy to IronDad

*QueenShuri has changed Peter Stark to SpideySon

GoatGuy: One big happy family

That was the most pure thing I have written in a long time.  I assure you, the story is not over, the title does sound like it.

Thanks for reading!

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