depresso expressos

366 16 7

IMPORTANT: So if you look back at my Month of Pride chapter you'll see I changed Loki's sexuality to him being bisexual since it is now canon in the MCU that he is (Just writing that made me want to cry like I still can't believe it)

Also, not many people answered the question I asked in the last A/N, but a few did. You can still answer on that poll since I already have written a few chapters so I don't need to know the answer for a little while longer. I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE YOU SAYING YOUR OPINION ON THE IMPORTANT PLEASE READ CHAPTER

Enjoy the chapter :)

*queenshuri has entered the chat

queenshuri: my fellow depressed teens please enter

*spideyson has entered the chat

spideyson: you called?

queenshuri: of course you show up first

*personincrisis has entered the chat

personincrisis: sup nerds

spideyson: where's ned

queenshuri: ned get your ass in here

*legosarelife has joined the chat

legosarelife: i'm sorry i'm here

queenshuri: you were building legos weren't you

legosarelife: no....

spideyson: without me how could you ned :(

personincrisis: you guys are such dorks

spideyson: hey!

legosarelife: what is this supposed to be about

queenshuri: well i was wondering if we could add someone to our chat

personincrisis: depends on who and how in crisis they are

queenshuri: well peter knows them already, and you guys have probably heard of him

spideyson: omg shuri is it who i think it is

queenshuri: depends on who you think it is

spideyson: i think it is

queenshuri: are you sure

spideyson: i'm pretty sure that who i think it is is who it really is

personincrisis: jesus christ just say who it is

queenshuri: loki

spideyson: mr. loki

queenshuri: HA i beat you

spideyson: :(

spideyson: i was right though

legosarelife: wait are you talking about the loki, like the god

queenshuri: no i'm talking about some person i know named loki

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