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Enjoy this chapter and you guys voted for Parley (most of you), so stay tuned. If you liked Spideychelle, I'm sorry but there will still be Mj and Peter content don't worry 

Also I made this story MA because of the language and I don't want to get deleted (But really it's only MA because of the language and the mentions of some things)

Anyways, enjoy! :)

*queenshuri has joined the chat

queenshuri: wow, it's been a while

*irondad, oldman, goatguy, birdbrain, arrowguy, hammerguy, scienceguy, queenwanda, natqueen, redit, bagheera, and frostybitch have joined the chat

irondad: yeah, it's been longer than steve was in the ice

oldman: very funny tony

goatguy: nice one stark

queenshuri: how are the bi's doing?

oldman: we had a nice date last night

goatguy: yeah we went bowling

arrowguy: you went bowling?

oldman: yeah?

irondad: that's interesting

oldman: what's so bad about us going bowling

irondad: you don't seem like the bowling type

goatguy: i'll have you know that bowling is hella romantic and lot's of fun

goatguy: also i get to kick steve's ass cause he sucks at bowling

irondad: so you can hit a target with your dumb shield, but you can't hit a group of pins?

oldman: you can be great at one thing and terrible at another thing

natqueen: clint can't play darts

arrowguy: nat can't... oh who am i kidding nat can do everything

queenshuri: hell yeah she can

queenshuri: where is peter? he's missing all of this

queenshuri: PETER GET IN HERE RN

*spideyson has entered the chat

spideyson: what shuri

queenshuri: peter what's wrong

irondad: Peter are you okay?

frostybitch: what is wrong peter?

oldman: am i missing something?

birdbrain: you are not the only one

spideyson: i'm fine guys

queenshuri: you most definitely are not fine. you always join the chat right away

spideyson: i was doing homework

queenshuri: peter it's 7 pm where you live, you always finish homework by 5 at the latest

queenshuri: also you always pick up the phone no matter what you are doing

spideyson: it's creepy you know my schedule

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