names, nuclear physics, and nugs

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(This is a continuation of the last chapter)

queenshuri: sooooo loki we have a lot to do

queenshuri: starting with introductions

queenshuri: i'm shuri, the badass princess of wakanda

spideyson: i'm peter

spideyson: or if we're going by our made-up names i'm spiderman :)

queenshuri: or if you're going by other names he's starks' son

queenwanda: i'm wanda :)

redit: i am vision

goatguy: bucky

birdbrain: sam

bagheera: i am t'challa

queenshuri: ^or if we're going by his other name it's my idiot brother

loki: hello, i am loki

queenshuri: you know everyone else

queenshuri: moving on

queenshuri: powers

spideyson: wait we're just going to say our powers

queenshuri: no, IM going to say your powers

queenshuri: peters' is basically everything a spider can do, he can do

spideyson: i can't lay eggs

queenshuri: or can you?

spideyson: shuri i've just now been able to stop having egg-related nightmares don't go there

queenshuri: sorry peter

queenshuri: peter is basically the child of the groupchat

spideyson: i am not!

queenshuri: awww it's okay p

spideyson: :(

queenshuri: so yeah peter can maybe lay eggs

spideyson: sigh

queenshuri: wanda can do things with her mind and it's really badass and awesome

queenwanda: :)

queenshuri: vision is a robot of sorts that can shoot lasers, fly, and is super smart

redit: that is accurate

queenshuri: bucky is an old man with super strength and a metal arm that i made

queenshuri: he also likes goats

goatguy: god you'll never let that go

goatguy: also if you don't like goats then you're probably a serial killer

spideyson: he ain't wrong

queenshuri: sam has got this cool suit that helps him fly

goatguy: he's essentially a bird

birdbrain: i am not a bird

birdbrain: i wear a suit that resembles a falcon

birdbrain: there's a difference

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