Spider Family

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*SpideySon has joined the chat

SpideySon: Guys

*QueenShuri, Irondad, WizardWanda, QueenNat, OldMan, GoatGuy, ScienceGuy, Birdbrain, RedGuy, Bagheera, ArrowGuy, and HammerGuy have joined the chat

QueenShuri: Yeah?

SpideySon: I'm moving

QueenShuri: WHAT!?!?!

Irondad: Peter, explain. Now.

SpideySon: I can't. I'm going to miss you guys

Irondad: Peter I swear to god if you don't explain

SpideySon: Please Dad. This is already hard. I mean, I was dreaming of living here, continuing to be Spiderman, work for you, spend time with the team, but...

QueenShuri: You're not leaving.

SpideySon: Shuri...

QueenShuri: You. are. not. fucking. leaving.

OldMan: Hell no your not

OldMan: For once, I agree with Shuri

ArrowGuy: We are not letting you leave kid

QueenNat: No matter what

GoatGuy: Yeah, I can't deal with a pissed off Shuri

Bagheera: Neither can I

Birdbrain: We need you kid

RedGuy: I believe the term is 'you are my friend'

HammerGuy: The Son of Spidey must stay for the Dad of Iron

ScienceGuy: We need you, especially Tony

Irondad: You are my son. No way in hell I am letting you leave

QueenShuri: We aren't a family without you

*QueenShuri has changed the chat name to 'Spider Family'

QueenShuri: And NOTHING

QueenShuri: NO ONE


Irondad: Peter, can we talk about this in real life? Face to face please.

SpideySon: Okay?

Irondad: Tower, in an hour

QueenNat: Clint, don't say a word

*QueenNat, SpideySon, QueenShuri, ScienceGuy, HammerGuy, GoatGuy, OldMan, RedGuy, WizardWanda, Birdbrain, Irondad, and Bagheera have left the chat

ArrowGuy: It rhymed

Real life (Hell yeah)

Peter is standing on the elevator of the tower. The doors open, and there stood the entire team. The Avengers, Shuri, everyone, even Thor!

He walked out, and they enveloped him in a hug.

Tears were flooding his eyes, and he smiled.

Everything was going to be okay.

He was right where he belonged.

With his Spider Family.

Right now this will never happen.

But you can change that.

Petition, Complain, Riot, anything could help.

Sony has taken away the chance to have a real Spider Family.

For Peter to meet Morgan, Shuri, and more.

A chance for Tom Holland to continue his dream job.

Right now, Tony Stark died for nothing.

The MCU is not complete without him.

It's time we take it back

Follow #boycottsony, #bringbackpeterparker, and #WeHateYou3000 on Instagram to spread the word.

Lets bring our SpideySon home

//This is future me now and we got our Spider Child back!! I'm still keeping this because it's pure and adorable. But we got him back, that's what's important :)

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