aesthetic avengers

531 16 10

*queenshuri has joined the chat

*queenshuri has changed QueenNat to natqueen

*queenshuri has changed OldMan to oldman

*queenshuri has changed GoatGuy to goatguy

*queenshuri has changed HammerGuy to hammerguy

*queenshuri has changed Birdbrain to birdbrain

*queenshuri has changed Bagheera to bagheera

*queenshuri has changed ScienceGuy to scienceguy

*queenshuri has changed WizardWanda to queenwanda

*queenshuri has changed RedGuy to redit

*Irondad, oldman, goatguy, natqueen, arrowguy, queenwanda, birdbrain, bagheera, and hammerguy have entered the chat

goatguy: Shuri what are you doing

queenshuri: being aesthetic

*queenshuri has changed chat name to aesthetic avengers

Irondad: Why hasn't mine changed?

queenshuri: i'll change yours when you've been allowed to join the aesthetic cult

arrowguy: why is queen after Nat now?

queenshuri: because nat is better than any queen

natqueen: hell yeah i am

queenwanda: i don't know if i deserve to be a queen

queenshuri: wanda if anyone in this chat deserves to be a queen it's you

queenshuri: your a badass and will be a hella great queen

queenwanda: :)

redit: this is an interesting name

Irondad: Shuri, Vision is not an it

redit: It is fine, I would classify myself as an "it"

redit: I also love how it relates to one of my favorite websites

queenshuri: omfg vision is on reddit

queenshuri: peter get your ass in here

*spideyson has joined the chat

spideyson: i heard vision is on reddit and came as fast as i could

Irondad: not going to even ask

*Irondad has left the chat

spideyson: i think my new sense is knowing if someone is on reddit

spideyson: it's awesome

queenshuri: no peter don't fall down the hole that is reddit

queenshuri: jk i've already fallen in that hole come join me we got lots of depressed gen z teens

spideyson: shuri I'm the president of that hole

queenshuri: omg really? i've been the queen

spideyson: omg we can rule together :)

queenshuri: hell yeah :)

redit: that is what humans would call adorable

queenwanda: i agree

queenshuri: omg a robot and a queen just called us cute peter

spideyson: :()

queenshuri: peters in shock

oldman: how can you get that from ":()"

queenshuri: i know my bestie, he's in shock

queenshuri: stark your son is in trouble

*Irondad had entered the chat


Irondad: Sorry accidentally had my capitalization on

Irondad: What's wrong with Peter?

queenshuri: wanda and vison called us adorable, and he went into shock

queenshuri: oh god now i'm in sho

Irondad: Shuri?

goatguy: great we lost shuri now

bagheera: i'll go check on her

oldman: is anyone checking on Peter?

queenwanda: i'm sorry i caused this

redit: me as well

spideyson: i'm here and okay

spideyson: and don't apologize wanda and vision, it isn't your fault

queenshuri: i'm okay now too

queenshuri: and what peter said, you guys are icons don't feel bad <3

queenwanda: :)

redit: :)

goatguy: what happened?

queenshuri: brother found me and showed me reddit memes that brought me back to life

spideyson: mr. stark came to my home and revived me

Irondad: I wouldn't say revived, you just were sitting on the bed and screaming

Irondad: I just gave you some food so you'd shut up

Irondad: And you know you don't have to call me that anymore

Irondad: Unless you're more comfortable with it

spideyson: first off, you gave me chicken nuggets

queenshuri: okay that's good parenting there

spideyson: second, yes you did revive me since i was on the verge of dying of fanboyism and losing my voice but you saved me

spideyson: third, okay

spideyson: dad

Irondad: 😃


queenshuri: also stark you've proved yourself worthy

Irondad: Of what exactly?

*queenshuri has changed Irondad to irondad

queenshuri: welcome to the aesthetic avengers

irondad: wow what an honor 🙄

queenshuri: peter teach your father to stop using emojis

queenshuri: especially dad ones

spideyson: no promises

This got a horrible score on Grammarly lol

Also definitely didn't make all the characters want to be aesthetic and type lowercase just because it's a pain in the ass to remember what usernames are capitalized and to have to capitalize everything couldn't be me

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