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*spideyson has entered the chat

spideyson: i can sense something is about to happen

*queenshuri has entered the chat

queenshuri: i would bet but no one is here

queenshuri: where the hell is everyone

spideyson: it's quiet

spideyson: too quiet

queenshuri: peter i know you're trying to be dramatic and shit but when you do that you just sound more adorable

spideyson: :(

queenshuri: hey at least I'm being honest

queenshuri: stark needs to get his ass in here

*hammerguy has entered the chat

spideyson: hi thor :)

hammerguy: hello son of spidey

queenshuri: the rest are missing a lot of cuteness

hammerguy: i have come bearing a question

spideyson: what's up?

hammerguy: i have spoken to my brother and he has shown interest in this "chat"

hammerguy: would it be alright to invite him

queenshuri: hell yeah thor

queenshuri: i'll add him rn

hammerguy: i have alerted him to your response and he is happy

*queenshuri has added loki to the chat

*loki has joined the chat

loki: hello mortals

spideyson: hi :)

queenshuri: sup loki, hold up we need to give you a name

spideyson: i would hold that thought shuri

spideyson: somethings about to go down

*irondad, oldman, goatguy, scienceguy, birdbrain, natqueen, arrowguy, queenwanda, redit, and bagheera have joined the chat

queenshuri: damn peter your good

irondad: what the hell is happening

irondad: wait


queenshuri: yeah and?

irondad: do i even have to explain

queenshuri: hey he seems cool, and thor wanted to add him

irondad: WHY

loki: i can leave if that would be best

*loki has left the chat

queenshuri: real nice stark


oldman: you're being a little harsh Tony

irondad: I'm sorry, has everyone forgotten about New York?

oldman: well you could at least let Thor tell us, it's been a while since we've last seen Loki

irondad: sorry that the last time i saw this man he was trying to destroy and take over the world

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