month of pride 🏳️‍🌈

454 16 30

Happy Pride month everyone <3

*spideyson has entered the chat

spideyson: happy pride month everyone 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️  (the trans flag won't show up on my computer so if you can't see it also it is the trans flag)

*irondad, scienceguy, goatguy, oldman, hammerguy, arrowguy, natqueen, queenwanda, redit, and bagheera have joined the chat

hammerguy: what is this month of pride?

*queenshuri has entered the chat

queenshuri: happy pride bitches time to let my gay show

spideyson: shuri your gay is always showing

queenshuri: hell yeah it is, i'm not letting any homophobic asshole make me hide who i am

queenshuri: pride is basically a celebration to tell the homophobic and transphobic people of the world to fuck off and that we can love and be whoever the hell we want to

spideyson: yeah that's basically it

spideyson: there are parades and parties and stuff too

queenshuri: the parades look so much fun i've always wanted to go

spideyson: shuri you are coming to the parade

queenshuri: yay

spideyson: why the sarcasm

oldman: how did you know she was being sarcastic?

arrowguy: it's a gen z thing steve, don't try to understand it

queenshuri: i'll be spending another pride as single as a pringle

goatguy: i thought pringles came in like tubes with many of them

queenshuri: fine as single as my brother

bagheera: at least i have been on dates

queenshuri: when was the last time you actually went out

*bagheera has left the chat

queenshuri: that's what i thought

spideyson: there has to be someone you can ask

queenshuri: like who?

spideyson: um that one girl you were talking to me about

queenshuri: are you insane

queenshuri: peter has lost all of his sanity

goatguy: looks like shuri has a crush

queenshuri: shut it barnes or i will take your goats from you

goatguy: looks like shuri does not have a crush

spideyson: you should ask her shuri

spideyson: if you ask her i will let you redesign the way my suit looks

irondad: Peter!

spideyson: i'm sorry i just wanted to give shuri the courage she needs

queenshuri: oh i already asked her as soon as you said i was coming to the parade

queenshuri: we've been talking for a few weeks now and already want to pursue a relationship

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