Chapter VIII

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Supernatural Encounter II

I find myself in the darkness that I have grown accustomed to. Surrounded by the same fog I have seen before except this time I sense an eerie tone in the air. I feel like I am not alone, but that is normal to me at this point. As I looked out into the darkness, I felt a prescience behind me, as I turn around and with no fear at all, I see him. The ghastly being that has been haunting me for months. I am extremely upset with him because at first I didn’t want to see him at all, yet he’d show up and now I wanted answers and he would never show. Tonight is a bit different however, because tonight I will get my answers or at least die trying. I wanted to die tonight and this thing may grant me that. I am completely unaware of powers. I assume he can generate nightmares, but I fear as that he can do much more that. The stare down between me and him is intense. I am trying my best not to show any sign of weakness, yet he is showing zero sign. The splint is on but my arm still hurts. I try not to let him know as my injury torments me with spasms of affliction. I’m looking at him with an immense amount of hate and he is looking at me with a creepy ear to ear smile as if he wanted to see me. His arms are crossed again and mine are down by my sides while my fists are balled up in anger. I want to hurt him the exact same way he hurt me.

“Don’t you think about hitting me, or this will be the worst nightmare you will ever have.” He says in a calm but eerie tone.

How can he tell what I am thinking? Is he psychic?

“I can answer that question. I know everything about you Jason.” He says as he slowly moves closer to me as I throw a punch at him.

He grabbed my hand without moving a muscle. Like he knew when it was going to be thrown and where it was going. Normally people get angry and want to hit back, but this thing isn’t human. It held my hand and looked mildly annoyed. Suddenly a sharp electrocution ran into my hand and would surge throughout my body causing me to fall to my knees as steam would rise out of my knuckles. The shock made me scream and when I fell, the splint fell off. I could barely get up as he stood above me. I rolled onto my stomach, pressed both of my hands on the ground and push myself up. Something is very strange though. As I stare at him, he is staring at my busted arm. The weirdest thing occurs, as I look down at my hand. The bandages from the splint were burnt and began to fall off, however my hand was fine. The wound on my knuckle had disappeared. In fact, my hand is stronger than ever as I can feel more strength in it when I clinch my fist. I am amazed as I look back at him and wonder how he did this. What powers does this thing have that he can heal my hand?

“I have powers that are beyond your comprehension. My essence has been attached to your soul for a long time and when you hurt yourself, I feel the same pain myself. Now I am going to give you the basic info. Just ask anything. Anything you want to know, I am now giving” He states as I begin to think of my questions.

He has a devilishly charming voice. For a guy that looks like me, he acts the total opposite. I mentioned before that his skin, clothes and hair is darker than mine. I also brought up the fact his eyes are red, but I have noticed now that his teeth are razor sharp. When he smiled I noticed that right away. I though he had fangs, but his teeth look like they belong to a shark. Ready to strike at the sight of blood. My words need to be thought of carefully, however he my already know what I am going to say with me even asking. Here goes nothing.

“Who are you? What are you? And why are you terrorizing me with these nightmares?!” I ask in desperation of knowing the truth.

“Well how do I put this lightly? I am a ghost I guess. A spirit trapped in Purgatory for all eternity. You may call me Ghost, because I can’t recall my original name and that is what most people call me when they see me. I am somewhat of an angel that was casted away from heaven for deeds I shouldn’t have committed and I have accepted that. I can’t get into that right away. It is too personal. All I can say, is that I can never be go back to the gates of Heaven and I never committed the original sin, so therefore I am, like I said in Purgatory or in another phrase Limbo. You probably have no idea what Limbo is. It’s okay. Not everyone can know everything. It is four parts of the underworld where the dead go. Purgatory is one of them. I am technically in your world, you just can never see me. The only downside is that I am only wherever you are. Literally, wherever you go, I am there. Like a shadow. When your mind and body are at rest I am returned here. This is where I go when you go to sleep. It’s a bit dark and torches illuminate the circle we are in, but this is all the space I need. This is inside your brain. When the mind begins to dream, it’s soul goes with it. While you’re dreaming I’m here, in the middle of this room, calmly meditating and growing my powers. After death you gain abilities and powers mortals can never imagine. I’ve healed your arm that way, I have entered your dreams that way, and I have altered the world you live in many times. That’s the thing about ghosts or entities. We get better long after we are dead. Yes living was nice, but I don’t miss a thing. If I had to live a day in your shoes I would be miserable. Especially, all the nightmares you have had… Which reminds me. I will tell you why I have been giving you nightmares. You see regular spirits try to get the living’s attention by any means necessary without showing themselves, because we can show ourselves for a few seconds, but it is very important not to be out in plain sight too long because after that we may be punished. Basic stuff, like moving objects around, making noises, whispering in the night, the usually. I have mastered the art of “haunting”, or getting a person’s attention better than any other spirit or entity. By going into their dreams. See when the mind is asleep, the body is vulnerable and the guard is lowered. I simply infiltrated your dreams and alter them the way I want. It got your attention didn’t it? You got medication for all the nightmares right? Now I do apologize for how graphic they were, I really do. Some entities, who are demonic and evil, try to get people’s attention to simply torment the living. Bullies, I believe is what you would call them. I, on the other hand, am not evil. I sure look it, but I am merely trying to mirror you Jason. My true form has been lost a long time ago. I can make myself look like anyone, so why not make myself look like you? My boy, my intentions are plain and simple. I am here to help you Jason.” Ghost states as I stand confused yet I am intrigued as he paces around me while I listen to what he has to say.

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