Chapter XXII

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The Ritual

The time on the car radio is 12:14 am, July 4th, Independence Day. How appropriate. Time to get independent and rid myself of Ghost once and for all. The three of us get out of the car and the two detectives go into the trunk and they each grab a twelve gauge shotgun. As they load their weapons and put shells into their pockets, I run to the front door and grab my key. I turn the key and I hear the unlocking, but the door won't budge. Then, all of a sudden, Detective Munson boots the door down. It was like someone or something was holding the door closed. Ghost must have the house guarded by his paranormal powers as the couch flies at us and breaks the window. A mirror is thrown towards detective Forde but he breaks it with the barrel of the shotgun while detective Munson throws a table that was flying toward him. I stand in the middle of this not knowing what to do. So I run to the kitchen where the basement is near and the entire knife rack gets thrown directly at me. One gets me right in the shoulder and knocks me to the floor while I let out a screech as I am in pain, however poor Detective Forde wasn't lucky at all. I was stabbed with a butter knife, he was stabbed in the chest and the face with every other knife. I am sitting on the ground sad and in complete shock because I never seen a dead body this close before.

I look away and say, "Oh, God!"

Munson looks on in anguish as his first partner is on the ground with over a dozen knives punctured into his face and upper torso. Munson closes his partner's eyes and tries to get up but then a bookcase comes crashing down from my mother's room through the ceiling and crushes Detective Munson. His motionless body shows that Ghost doesn't want anyone else to confront him other than me. Why he had to kill these men of the law who were going to help me get my life back, I don't know, but I know that the shotgun in front of me is what I will be taking downstairs, just in case. Never used or held a gun before but I have played COD so I got an idea how it works. I guess it's time to nut up or shut up.

As I head downstairs into the basement, I see red candles lighting the whole room, A large pentagram that was drawn in charcoal in the middle of the room where originally boxes of junk were there but they are now on the side of the room, and on each ends of the pentagram lies a large round piece of wood. On each piece of wood are the bodies TJ, Jess, Coach, Derrick, and Eddie Black. In the center, is Michelle in a white gown with Ghost standing over her in physical form. She looks terrified and confused as she comes to, but she looks thrilled to know I came to save her. Hopefully I succeed.

"Ah, Jason. Nice of you to join us. We are ready." Ghost says with mysterious intentions.

"What are you trying to do Ghost? Why are you doing all of this? I thought you were here to help me?" I ask and hope for direct answers.

Ghost then chuckles and starts manically laughing. The laugh is evil and bone chilling.

"Jason, you poor naïve boy. You are so gullible. You actually believed I was an angel sent from Purgatory to help you. You don't need help, but I know you're a tortured soul and that is all I needed to know. I am not an angel, in fact I am the opposite, and I think this time you should learn the truth. The REAL truth." Ghost says as I begin to get confused and worried.

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