Chapter XXIV

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Apocalyptic Showdown

The fight has begun and I have never been this prepared for anything in my life. Demon makes a loud hideous screech as I shoot him in the chest twice with the shotgun. He goes down slowly and I believe it's over. That's it? That is how you kill a demon from hell? A shot to the chest? I thought this would last longer from what I experienced watching movies. I throw my shotgun to the ground and go to check on Michelle. Just then he kicks up and kicks me in the chest. The aggression of the blow sends me flying into the boxes. As I go across the room, I drop the sword that I picked up after the shot gun ran out of ammo. Demon picks up the sword, turns, and drives it into the center of the pentagram, but Michelle moves out of the way just in time. The fall shook her up a bit and thankfully she had the wear withal to get out of harm's way. The demon is so angry that he throws the sword towards me and it doesn't go into the wall but rather it falls to the ground right near the fingertips on my right hand. I grab it discreetly and I look around and noticed he is still looking for Michelle. The old toys were knocked over. My pretend sword is there. I must put it where the other sword is before he notices. I put it in place and Demon slowly and ominously walks over to where I was. He picks it up. With two hands he drives the fake sword into her chest. Not piercing her skin but rather poking her in the chest in an uncomfortable fashion. The demon screeches again and he looks towards where my body was "unconscious" is now a flat area where crushed boxes are as I am now behind the heater. I have to stab him with this sword somehow. I turn around the left side of the heater to see where he is and I have no idea where he has gone. He is out of sight. Just then, I look to the right and he is right in my face as he back hands me. As he slowly walk towards me as I crawl away to regroup, Michelle gets a candle staff and drives it into the ribcage of the Demon. The hot wax burning inside the ribs of the demon makes the demon scream really loud and throws Michelle towards the ceiling of the basement. Some of the boxes catch fire as we are now surrounded by an inferno. She slams to the floor and doesn't come to right away. Demon takes the staff out of his ribs like it was a splinter. I grab the sword and try to hit his face but Demon ducks and the sword drives into the brain remnants of Eddie Black. The sword is stuck in the wood and in his face. Blood is all over me and I try to pull the sword out but Demon hits me again. Blood starts pouring out of my nose. I get up and throw one of my hardest punches. Demon didn't move a muscle. I try for another and he grabs my hand and then the other. He begins to lift me as I struggle to get out of his clutches. I can feel his grip tightening as his demonic grin. He throws me off the wall. He has his fiendish hands clutched around my neck. He is choking the life out of me as I am gasping. The worst part is, is he is smiling. I grow faint as he smacks me repeatedly so I can hear and feel everything he is going to do. He smiles down at me. He lifts me up from my shirt as my limp body is dangling against the wall. My mangled face has bruises all over it as sweat pours down my forehead.

"Time to d... AHHHHHHH" Demon yells in pain.

I thought that was it. My life flashed before my very eyes until Michelle stabbed him in the place where he is supposed to have a heart. Demon's blood pours all over the sword and she starts panting heavily as blood slowly drips from her mouth. He let's go of his grip and I fall to the floor as I watch on. Demon is in shock and takes one last breath as it falls to his knees and dies. Michelle and I go towards each other and we hug really tightly as we thought we would never hug or hold each other ever again. She puts my arm around her and helps me to my feet. We both slowly walk upstairs escaping the hell we endured and take a seat in the kitchen without caring about the fire in the basement. We both look at each other and smile. We smile because we survived this horrible ordeal and we survived together. She sits next to me wearing that white gown that reaches her knees. She isn't wearing anything else. Nothing underneath and she is barefoot. Her hair is frizzle but it still looks nice and straight. The way she looks right now are all the reasons why I think she is beautiful and why I love her. Michelle knows what I am thinking as I look at her lips as we both breathe heavily. We slowly close in on a kiss but suddenly the demon is still alive as he bursts through the floor! I get up and hold Michelle back and protect her from this demonic bastard as he screeches. It jumps towards me as I close my eyes in fear. The next thing I hear is two gunshots and then I see the demon with two bullet holes in its head as I look to the left and Detective Munson is standing there with his gun aiming towards the demon. Demon is no longer breathing as his immovable body lies at my feet and the blood oozes out of two separate holes in its head. Munson gets on a walkie-talkie and calls for a bus which is police lingo for an ambulance, but I hope he calls a fire fighter as well. I stare at this demonic entity while Michelle holds me as I realize that it's all over. It is finally over.

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