Chapter XVI

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Dark Clouded Mind

As I lay in my bed looking up at my ceiling on this Saturday morning in the middle of May, I think about all the events that have occurred so far in my life and I begin to ask myself, “What can I do now?” after being suspended by the school board. My mother got a letter a few weeks back saying:

Dear Ms. White,

                   The school board has made a decision and due to the violent behavior your child, Jason White, showed on the day he was suspended, we have discussed this and have come to an agreement that your child shall be Suspended for the remainder of the school year effective immediately on the first of the month. If you would like to appeal, contact the School Board of Alliance and schedule a hearing to plead your case.


Head of the School Board of Alliance, Steven Hughes

Quite honestly, I don’t give a shit. I’m actually happy I am not in that horrendous facility anymore. I’d see Michelle, who hasn’t spoken to me in what has felt like a lifetime. I need to explain to her what happened and tell her the truth. Tell her that I have this entity in me, guiding me throughout all of my choices since the beginning of Winter Break. That the choices I made weren’t the ones I made at all, but of the entity’s. I don’t know if I can because she will think I am crazy. I cannot ask Ghost for help. He has helped me enough and now look where I am. I have been suspended, I lost my friends and most of all I may have lost the one thing that has ever made me happy since my father died. She was everything to me and now she isn’t talking to me at all. After years of waking up to a text message from her, I have not heard from her in days. I called her phone and it goes straight to voice mail. She has seen my texts and ignored my inboxes on Facebook. I don’t know how to get her back. I need her in my life. Maybe if I go see her? But if I tell her the truth will she believe me or will she think I am insane? What about Ghost? Should I ask if I could be out of our deal and that he disappear forever…? Or should I keep him by my side and live with this entity for the rest of my life? In all honesty the rest of my life doesn’t sound very long. I don’t know the answer to these questions. In fact, I don’t even know how I’m going to get out of the bed as I sit up and stare over at my drawer. On top of it is the sleeping pills that I stopped taking because Michelle’s love would help me fall asleep. Maybe I should take the rest of these pills one last time and end this misery. Tear drops go down my face as I think of everything. Thinking about everyone I know and love no longer talking to me anymore. As if I am a ghost. My depression kicks in ten times worse than ever before. I feel like Curt Cobain right now. The thought of what I am going to do next makes my heart beat fast and the tears go down quicker. As I take the cap off, I stand up and throw it across the room without caring where it goes. I see how many are left, and there is enough to kill someone. My hands shake as I begin to put the bottle to my mouth. I have a few more tears as I think of how much I love Michelle. Knowing her she wouldn’t want this. My hand now shakes rapidly as the bottle in my hand is against my mouth. The pills are at the top and they are so close to my mouth I can almost taste the medication. I think that Michelle loves me and wouldn’t want me to do this. I stop. I drop the bottle onto the floor and sit on the edge of my bed and cry. The pills spill onto the floor and scatter all around. I stare at the ground, while putting my hands on my head and try to calm myself down realizing what I almost did. The thought of death was scary and the fact I thought about Michelle made me sad because I know she wouldn’t want me dead, but now that I took some time to think, maybe she would. After what I, or Ghost did, I’d assume she wouldn’t want anything to do with me, yet I need to talk to her and explain myself. I calm down and just then a knock on my door. On the other side of it is my mother.

She says, “Jason, two police officers are downstairs and they want to take you in for questioning? What did you do?”

My nerves freeze all at once and what seemed like seconds felt like hours as I stared at the door in shock and in fright. What do the police want with me? What did I do? Or better yet what did Ghost do? As I ask these questions Ghost begins consulting me. I can’t see him, but I can hear him. As if he is in my head talking to me. Ghost thinks he should take over and talk to the police, because I am suicidal. Sadly, he is right but I don’t want him messing up and making things worse. I grant him to take over for the interrogation. However I hope nothing bad happens.

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