Chapter XX

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The Realm

"What now?" Father asks Ghosts.

"It is almost ready. I collected the last piece earlier. The last piece shall be collected tonight." Ghost says in a darker voice than before.

"I don't like this." Father says quietly.

"Your son doesn't bitch as much as you do. You are an absolute failure. Your boy will make us proud soon. I'll be back." Ghost says as they fade away from the Realm.

I awake in my bed, I don't remember how I got here. All I remember was being in the kitchen and then the rest is all blurry. I remember it was Monday, and I remember the clock above the oven said it was 8:12 am. I look at my phone and it says that it is 9:30 am and it's Wednesday. What the fuck happened? My last day of school is was about 5 weeks ago from today. I couldn't even go. Finals were over by then anyway. It would have been nice to have a fighting chance at passing this year, rather than bar me from a school I didn't want to go to anyways. I think it would have made more sense to suspend Eddie when I went to the principal about how he and his buddies told me to kill myself online or any other malicious act I have witnessed. But no. Suspend the kid who gets bullied because he could snap and go postal on the entire school. Some justice we have in our own educational system. Even if I wanted to, where would I find a gun of any form in this town? Besides, I don't feel any form of malice towards the sheep who are herded by the shepherd of latest trends. I feel sorry for them because their minds are numb and their bodies are slaves to the current culture we live in so they do nothing but try to adapt with it, to be accepted by everyone else. It's pathetic in my opinion and I am actually glad I am away from such out of placed, senseless, nonsensical morons, like the principal who only listens to what's popular and not what's best for everyone as a whole. I guess I am not repeating junior year. That is a high school nightmare and besides, I don't plan on living very long as it's late in the month. Today's date is July 3rd, if you completed the finals, which were a 10 part test we have to take each year in June, we get to leave early. I would have finished early if I was there. If you don't finish you had to retake the test in summer school. Something Derrick was supposed to do last year, however he never went to summer school. The fact he is in high school at all surprise me. That alone proves how broken the educational system in this country really is. You could be like me last year: You could show up every day, finish all your finals early, work really hard on it, and go on to being a junior or you can be like Derrick by not showing up every day, not even take the finals, and still go on to be a junior. He is my friend and all but the American educational system is broken. I used to try really hard in school but everything has changed. The teachers never bothered helping me out at all. They just handed you a packet or watched a movie. Sometimes, the teacher won't even leave the desk. I sleep because I know everything they already were going to try and teach me because I look it up on the internet. That's how I passed my last finals with an eighty-one. He didn't even show up for the final a few weeks ago and he received a letter saying he is going into the twelfth grade because they have a list of seniors that will likely graduate next year in the main lobby which I think should be kept private. Someone may feel self-conscience because they failed and might get picked on for not going to the next grade. Someone like me. Yet another reason why the system fails. I think about this while lying in my bed. As I go to sit up a sharp object falls to the floor. I reach down and grab what appears to be a black handle. I pick it up and in my hand is a large kitchen knife.  How did this get up here? Did someone sharpen it? It looks like it's been sharpened. I may not know why this is here, but I have a feeling what I can use it for as lightning flashes from my window as the raindrops slowly go down the glass reflecting the time I have left on this earth. I look down at the blade and realize that this time I know Michelle doesn't care. Michelle hasn't talked to me in weeks. I have been by myself for months, especially because of the rumors that are screaming throughout the social mainstream. The big rumor is that I'm a murderer who kidnaps people in the middle of the night and has sex with their dead corpse. All because the detectives questioned me that one time and somehow all the mindless sheep at my school and all over town think I'm some psychotic, murderous necrophiliac. I hate this town, but I have no money to leave because I spent all my money on pot. There is only one way out... I grab the knife by the handle, I look at both of my wrists, but there is one problem. This may not kill me, so I have to do something that will cause permanent and fatal damage as I lift the knife to my throat. The blade is shiny and very sharp as it is touching my neck. One quick motion and this nightmare is over. Tears run down my face just like the rain and as the lightning flashes, I close my eyes and slowly breathe in and breathe out. The thought of leaving nothing behind makes me think someone is actually coming up the stairs at a fast pace which I know couldn't be true because no one cares about me and I should get this over with already. Just as I go to firmly slit my throat my door bursts open and the lightning flashes again as the thunder rolls and I am knocked to the ground. I feel like something has left me. The presence of depression has left me somehow and only confusion lies in my very mind. As I struggle on the floor I look up and see Ghost! What is Ghost doing out of my body and where in the hell is he going?! I can see him go through my wall but whoever is holding me down clearly doesn't see him because they are looking at me. As the two men pin me down, they put my arms behind my back and my face is down in the floor. I feel someone's knee on my neck and then I feel handcuffs clicking while they restraint me. They are really tight on my wrists and I am shit out of luck as my mom left for Vermont already.

Suddenly a familiar voice says, "Jason White, you are under arrest for the kidnapping and murders of Eddie Black, Burt Johnson, Terrence Jackson, Jessica Morales, and Derrick Sweeney. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney .If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights that I have said to you? Good. Let's move."

Detective Forde said that as another police officer, whose knee was on my neck, lifts me off my feet, drags me outside in the rain as my neighbors watch, and into the police cruiser. I am wearing black sweat pants, and a plain black t-shirt. No shoes or socks on my feet. My shaved head is getting soaked.

"Watch your buzz cut." The police officer says as I barely miss the top of the cruiser as he slams the door behind me. If I didn't cut my hair myself, I would have just grazed the top of the cop car. This car is different from the first one however. The first one had leather seats. The seats in this cruiser are hard and uncomfortable. Which makes sense because why make this person feel good about his seat while he goes to jail?What does this mean now? Ghost has left my body and he is on the loose? What is he going to do? I thought he was here to help me?

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