Chapter X

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Supernatural Encounter III

I awake in yet another eerie nightmare that is surrounded by utter darkness. I am in the familiar room I was in for nearly two weeks. Ghost is standing there, leaning on a pillar with a smile on his face. He must believe that he did a good job but he lost a good friend of mine and that is not what I wanted. We had about four days left in the deal and I had to intervene before the deadline. I think I should tell him how he did. A performance review. I wonder if he already knows how I feel already. He can read my thoughts. Maybe he is smiling because he has something up his sleeve. Yet, as I am walking towards Ghost, everything gets fuzzy and I faint. I think I just fell back asleep, but how? Am I already sleeping? I wonder all of this as Ghost stands above me as I slowly pass out as if I was having surgery, but in this case, I believe Ghost supplied the anesthetics and told me to count to ten.

I begin dreaming that I am in my room. I get out of bed and, without putting clothes on, I head into the hallway. As I walk downstairs, I feel as if this isn’t a dream, but I’m not doing this; I am watching this. I have no idea where I am heading as I step out the door with my tank top and pajama bottoms on. I don’t know why, but as I walk for several blocks, I begin to feel as if this side of town looks familiar. I feel like I went this way years ago when I was a child. It could be anybody. All those kids I went to school with lived in this area and moved away (so they say). I arrive at a decent house. It’s just as nice as mine I’d say. Shutters, front porch, second floor, and a tiled roof. I feel strange though because I am moving but yet I am not moving. Like right now, my body is walking towards the front of this home but I am not walking on my own. Another thing, why do I feel as if this house was re-colored… Oh dear god! It was!!! Because when I was a kid I would come here after my baseball games and play with a friend of mine, but that ended until he moved away. I am in front of Eddie Black’s house. I use to play at his house when he and I were friends a long time ago. I even stayed the night a couple of times. We watched the baseball games that were on and ate pizza. Good times, good times. It’s late at night, I’d say past midnight. My body floats towards an open window. I find myself going through without a hassle and now I realize that I am in the kitchen. It looks like it was redone. I remember there wasn’t a counter extension. There used to be a wooden table in the middle, but now it is replaced with a marble counter and bar stools. I don’t think I have control of my arms but my right hand is looking for something in the cabinets and it found whatever my right arm was looking for. Wait… why am I holding a knife? Where am I going with it? I wonder all of this to myself as everything goes fades to black again as my body proceeds upstairs.

I regain consciousness but not the control of my movements. I’m paralyzed. It’s like my mind is in a coma, yet the body is alive and is standing by the kitchen sink. I am watching water flow out of the faucet and what looked like blood is going down the drain. The clear flow of the water mixed with the crimson flow coming off the blade startled me, yet I keep moving as I am having a panic attack in my head. Where am I going now? This isn’t the way home. I don’t know whose house this is what’s going on? Ghost?! What’s happening?!?! What are you doing? I ask all of this and yet again, I faint. My body grows weaker before my vision is impaired and whatever happened next was up to the body I have lost control of.

In a state of panic, I wake up from my slumber. I gasp, as I sit up and begin to breath heavy. I hold my hand to my forehead. My palm is moist with sweat as I cannot believe what I witnessed. I was afraid for my life because all I could wondering was if I was really murdering someone because this nightmare looked real. Most of my previous nightmares didn’t take place in places that existed outside of my mind and outside of my home. Also, they always started out in some weird world that Ghost lived in. Then it would either end there or in my house in some horrific manner. This took place in Eddie Black’s house. I don’t know what the inside of his house looks like, due to the fact I haven’t been there since I was a little kid. But man, that was such a bad dream and I am really happy that it is over. I never want to go through another nightmare again. Could Ghost stop with all of those? I mean, it was a tactic to get my attention and to draw me closer to him, but at this point, he is just torturing me. Thank God it’s Saturday though. I look out the window as the sunlight beams through. I noticed the alarm is not disconnected for once, while I noticed that I ironically woke up at noon for once. My door is open as I stand up and look for something to wear. I find a shirt on the ground and at this point in my life, I don’t care if an article of clothing is dirty or clean, as I put it on and head downstairs. My nostrils are delighted to know my mother is cooking breakfast. I can’t wait to get some juicy, medium rare bacon, some scrambled eggs, and lightly cooked toast with some orange juice. Preferably, OJ with some pulp. The taste is different and I like it. No other way to explain it. That’s my favorite part of Saturday. A nice breakfast with my mom. Sometimes she makes chocolate chip pancakes but she has not made any lately. Come to think of it, my mom hasn’t made pancakes of any flavor since Jeff was around. I head into the kitchen and see my mother standing by the stove. Normally at this point, my mom would have asked me how I am feeling or something but as of late we haven’t talked much because of that argument we had a few nights ago. She is watching TV and drinking her coffee. My own mother does not bother making eye contact with me while she watches the news. As I eat my breakfast, alone at the table, she hires the volume up and I overhear a male newscaster say this,

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