Chapter XII

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Father, Son, and the Spirit

“How long can you keep this up?” Father asked.

“He is smarter than you think.” Father states.

“Jason is a good kid, you should…” In mid-sentence Father was interrupted.

“I got work to do.” I state as I leave The Realm.

Father now stands there sad and alone as he knows what lies ahead. Father may know what’s best but this father knows but doesn’t like it. Such a shame. I go down the drain pipe and land on my feet as I head into the night. The air is thick with the cool air. Snow should be on the ground, but I guess it was a quick winter this year. The wind is not as bad as it would be in places like Boston or New Hampshire. Walking further away from the host is never easy. My energy drains more and more when we are apart. I hope I can last longer than I used to, but tonight is different. Bringing that fossil back took a lot out of me. Hopefully, this person doesn’t live far away. I search the streets until I finally stumble onto a house that looks an awful lot like our home. Doesn’t anyone know anything about unique architecture or was the foreman just lazy? Anyways, I guess I will show my disdain for the Jackson residence some other time. I got work to do.

Troubled Soul:The PossessionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz