Chapter VI

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Supernatural Encounter

I wake up and I feel strange. I begin to sit up in my bed. Something is different while I look into my pitch-black bedroom because I don’t remember turning my lamp off before I went to bed and it seems like everything is darker. Not in a sense of light and dark but rather that it feels as if everything good has been drained from my room and was replaced with something that is just unholy as it surrounds me. I feel like this is not really my room but rather an illusion to toy with my mind. It is not the first time I have been fooled in my dreams. Puzzled, I look around and at the same time I’m making sure I don’t do anything to trigger anything as I am very paranoid on my mattress. If I get out of bed, maybe I can tell if this is real or if I step out of my room and into something malevolent. I attempt to place one foot down on the floor, yet something seems out of place. The floor feels like it’s farther than it should. I know I’m not that tall but I’m pretty sure I am able to reach the floor at seventeen. By instinct, I put my other foot down, but just then the floor disappears and I begin to fall. The speed of the descent is so immense I begin to scream loudly as the speed of the torturous drop increases. I yell and flail my arms around even though I know no one can hear me or see me. Superman will not save me and even if he did exist, I wouldn’t blame him for not coming here. As I fall to my impending doom, the clouds begin to get thicker and redder as I go down. Suddenly, the fog engulfs me and now it looks like I am plummeting all the way to Hell. Somehow, my body is slowly and gently floating down now as if the thicker clouds are slowing my fall by defying the laws of physics. I see flames and infernos erupting around me. Startling me as the next sight gets unpleasant. I see tortured souls being whipped by chains and put into torture racks as their limbs stretch until they are ripped off by what appears to be an executioner. Their mangled bodies slowly slide down and they scream as their blood oozes out of where their arms used to be. I see maggots, worms, snakes, spiders and even crows trying to feast on the amputated limbs. The crows and snakes don’t want to share as they fight a little bit as I am in disgust while I wonder how all of this be here in the clouds. I then see my worst fears lazily go by me. My mother is falling to the ground and clutching her chest while no one is home, Eddie Black is on top of Jessica Morales; doing the unmentionable as she asks for God, and Michelle willingly dives head first out of her windows with tears in her eyes. The glass shatters and slices her head open as I turn away before she hits the ground. I wonder when I am going to hit the ground or if this is going to happen for the rest of eternity. Why won’t this end and why did I slow down? Just to torture my mind? I can no longer bear the sight of these horrific visions, so I put my hands over my face and close my eyes. When will this be over?! As I think that, BOOM! I slam into the ground like an anvil in a Looney Tunes cartoon. I lay there wondering if the birds will circle around my head. Sadly, they don’t and I am in a small amount of pain as I get up. I reach my feet and I begin to look around. I find it very abnormal that I feel pain in a dream. Wouldn’t I have woken up after that horrific fall? As I look into the fog, which has gone from red to grey, I see nothing for miles. I turn around and staring into my eyes with his cold stare, I see… Him. The being from my past nightmares and the thing I saw in the mirror before it exploded into pieces. He stands in front of me with his arms crossed and a menacing smile. I stand there in front of this demonic being and I breathe heavily. My heart is beating at an enormous rate as I clutch it in front of him. I feel like I am having a heart attack. However, I can’t right now, because I have seen what this thing is capable in my dreams. I have to get away from it and so I do as I run the opposite way of him, not thinking of where to go but rather to get as far away from him as possible. As I am sprinting as fast as I possibly can, I turn back and he is gone. I stop to wonder where he had gone, I spin forward, but suddenly he is standing there; staring at me with his dead eyes and I jump in total panic. He then lifts his hand up and all of a sudden these walls rise from the ground. These grey, bland walls begin to slowly rise. They are several feet over my head and a foot out of my arms reach. I see a wall beginning to rise so I hop over it. I turn around to taunt the being who resembles me by flipping him off. He shakes his head as the wall now no longer shows him. Suddenly, now more walls are going up at a faster rate. I dash as quickly as I can considering I fell from to over a hundred feet and survived. As I race through this maze, walls are constantly going up at rapid speeds. Confusing me and changing my pattern of where I go next at every turn. How do these walls know where I am going before I go there? It’s as if that thing is controlling them and is aware of my movements. I take a turn and head down a long corridor, but I get stopped as a wall goes up right in front of me and behind me. It’s a dead end and the thing walks through the wall without breaking it. As if the wall was transparent. I put my hand on the wall in front of me to see if my theory is correct. The wall is smooth and is as hard as stone. How did he walk through that wall? I have no time to answer that. I have to find a way out of here, but just then, a roof is slammed on top of us and I am now boxed in with this thing with nowhere to run and no place to hide. A small light beams from the ceiling as if a light bulb is hanging from it. I stand there in fear of this being coming closer towards me. The thought of my life ending without doing the things I have always wanted to do saddens me. Closer and closer it gets. I am backed up against the wall, sitting on the floor in total terror. He moves towards my face and I close my eyes as he whispers into my ear.

“Relax, Jason. I mean you no harm.” He silently but clearly whispers into my ear.

He stands up straight. I sit there confused and wondering how he knows my name and most of all what does he want.

“I can see you’re confused which is normal for you and I would love to answer every single question that you possibly have but I do not have much time, because you think you can run like the damn Kenyans. I have to go for now and you will wake up. I shall see you soon Jason. By the way …” As he says this I angrily interrupt him.

            “Now wait just a minute. I deserve some God damn answers.” I shout.

            “Well alright, but don’t use His name in vein please.” The being states as he appears to be religious.

            “Ok…” I say thinking of a question for him. I ask him, “Who are you?”

            “I shall tell you in time Jason.” He replies.

            “Okay but I have to know what you are.” I ask as I am desperate to know.

            “In time you will know all.” He says as he begins to walk into the wall.

            I grab him and try to get more answers, but with one hand, he pushes me. The force of the push sends me to the ground. I hit the ground hard as I braced for impact. While I can see nothing as my eyes are closed, I can hear my alarm clock going off. I open my eyes, and I am in my room. Specifically on my floor with some of my blanket on me. I have some pain in my arms and on my chest. I take off my shirt and see a gigantic bruise. That’s where he pushed me, but that was in the dream. How do I have it in the real world when I got pushed in my nightmare? Or was I even dreaming? Am I being haunted by some demonic presence? How does it know my name? And most of all, what does it want with me?

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