Chapter III

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I finally reach my school and it’s about 9:08 a.m. I am extremely late. I head into the school as I walk in the hallway. The clear marble floors and the blue paint on the wall that’s chipping away every day I am in here surrounds me as the feeling of hope and any happiness I had before entering this building was left at the wooden entrance. The same entrance I will be walking out of after my final class before Winter Break. I look around the empty halls and see no one; not even a janitor as I try to find my classroom. I finally get to it as I am in no rush at all. I head into room 108B for my first period Biology class. I think it is absolutely great to see that all of the jocks are here today, but in all honesty I couldn’t be any happier to see my best friend Michelle Michaels as she is waving at me while smiling. Michelle and I have known each other since as far as I can remember. She has been my best friend ever since I could walk. With her thick black glasses, blonde hair, light blue eyes, black semi thick mascara, black tee with a white skull, tight denim jeans, black and white converses, and amazing smile she owns, is what makes me want to get up every morning knowing I have someone as good of a person in my life. She and I have so much in common and we have so much fun whenever we hang out. We play video games, listen to music, make videos for YouTube, and we talk to each other day and night. She has her own YouTube account, young_punk_girl35 and she has made hundreds of vlogs because she is more outspoken than me and she doesn’t care what people think of her. Surprisingly enough she is the reason I started a YouTube account. Michelle wanted me to be more outspoken and tell people how I feel, so I have showed her all these videos I made but I have never posted a single one, because unlike her I do care what people think of me. She has 133 subscribers that listen to her opinion while TheWhiteKnight69 has 2. But let’s not get carried away with YouTube, because Michelle is more than just a Youtuber with a punk rock attitude. She is my best friend in the whole world and I know what you’re thinking. You are saying to yourself that I was put in the friendzone or whatever, but in the real world men and women can be friends, the best of friends. Have you tried talking to a guy about how you feel? They accuse you of being gay or other unmanly things, but with Michelle I can tell her anything. My secrets and her secrets are kept in a pyramid of trust. We talk about a lot of personal stuff. I know everything about her and she knows everything about me. I know her birthday is July 5th, 1996, her favorite color is emerald green, and her favorite comic book hero is Batman. We have been through so much and she has helped me when I was on the edge and ready to jump. We are close friends and as I look directly at her I smile. Just then I realize that I hope she finds someone someday. I bet she would make a guy really happy. I noticed she never really dated anyone and another reason I am sad is because I have felt as if I am holding her back from meeting anyone. I then turn to my left to see m Biology teacher, who isn’t happy to see me and isn’t surprised to see me. After all, it’s not the first time I am late and he doesn’t care at this point in his life I presume.

“Ahhh Mr. White, nice of you to finally join us. Please take a seat. Next time set your” Mr. Rivera says as I take my seat next to Michelle, like I normally do.

“Hey bud, thank god you showed up I thought I was gonna have to do this assignment on my own.” Michelle jokingly whispered to me as I sat down and put my head on my desk.

“Jason, are you ok?” Michelle asked.

“No... I had a nightmare again.” I said filled with exhaust as my head is unable to get off the table due to the lack of sleep I continue to have.

“Well take a nap before…” Michelle was cut off when a balled up piece of paper hit me in the forehead by Eddie Black.

“Before Eddie realizes you’re here.” Michelle finishes her sentence in disappointment as I peak my head up to see Eddie high five his buddies while laughing as if he told them something hysterical but he did something so simple, I’m pretty sure a caveman could do it.

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