Chapter XI

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Heroic Demise

“It all started on a sunny afternoon about seven years ago. I remember getting in my car and being on my way to work. Unlike most people, I actually liked my job. In fact I loved my job at Sampson & Sampson corp. My job was simple. All I had to do was put important files in order and keep them safe in a locked room. Files about clients, business expenses, and other business stuff. On this day, some idiot named Carl Bundy was smoking right outside the building. Now, I use to smoke myself and I didn’t mind him smoking on his break out front where he won’t disturb anyone, but he is smoking a cigar right outside the window where all these files are kept. They easily could burn from the ember somehow. So, I asked him “What are you thinking?” and he realized where he was so he moved to the front of the building. Every day I had to remind him not to do that. That, we had this huge argument because he is smoking in a non-smoking building. The break room of all places to smoke. It happened to be conveniently be right next to the filing room. I asked him to step out of the break room and I demanded that he put it out but he wouldn’t, so I tried grabbing it from him out of frustration. During the struggle, Carl tripped over his own feet, knocked over all the files and then they caught on fire. The flames got so big. It was as if the files were soaked in gasoline. I never seen a flame get that big before. It was an awful inferno, son. It was going to burn the whole building down. At this point in my life I was forty-one years old. My only priority was to make a living and protect my family. Ghost has been with me since I was about your age Jason. He wanted to switch and he sent me to here, to The Realm, but I didn’t want to. I wanted to save the lives of the people left in the building. If I didn’t they’d all be dead. Ghost wanted me to escape and I said no. I told Ghost, “My friend, you have been so good to me. I need you to take care of my son. He needs you someday like I needed you.” After that he left, I saved five or six of my coworkers until a ceiling fell on top of me and that was it. It wasn’t painful at all. My body may have been burnt, but I was unconscious and I died. I chose to go out that way, son. I had to save those people. I’m sorry if you think I was selfish Jason, but there comes a point in a man’s life where he needs to be a man and be the hero. Real men don’t leave anyone behind. They die first. I wish I watched you grow up in person but I will always be there for you Jason. I have always been there. Me and Ghost have been watching over you for a long time and you’re never alone, son. I got to go, I love you.” My father explains as we both shed tears and hold each other for the first time since that day. I watch him as he vanishes before my very eyes.

I am now standing with tears rushing down my face. Niagara Falls has two waterfalls now, and they are placed right where my eyelids are.

Ghost now has something to add. “I am going to give you a week to agree to this deal and I will leave you with this: I have known you since you were conceived. Your father and I want to give you a gift. In order to do so you must agree to this deal. You can become great. Otherwise, you will become a loser for the rest of your life. And that suicidal thought that is running through your head, well, I don’t really blame you. Your father was a great man, what will you become?”

Ghost then disappears into the shadows as I tremble to my knees and begin to cry on the ground. I roll on the floor in pain and in sorrow while I am reminiscing that day. I am somehow leaning against my wall to the right of my window and tears are flowing down my face as I don’t bother wondering how I got back here because nothing matters anymore. I take my hands away from my face, look to my right and see the pill bottle that Derrick gave me. I stare at it for the longest time. Looking at that bottle, I recall my mother telling me my father has died after she got off the phone. We both cried for hours. That was the worst day of my life and every day since gets worse and worse without him here. I lean over and grab it off the table. As I look inside, I hope that there is enough sleeping pills here to put me to sleep forever. Only then will we be together again. I dump the whole bottle into my hand. There’s eleven pills in here. Bottoms up. Good bye… Just as I was going to put them in my mouth and that last tear went down my eye, a hand slapped every single pill out of my hand. I turn in confusion to look at all the pills as they disappear in the darkness that lies under the table. I twist my head towards my window, and Michelle is there. She stopped me from killing myself and she is at my house. But why? Why is she hanging on my window? How is she is a good question too.

“M...Michelle… What are you doing here?” I stutter as I ask.

“Other than preventing you from killing yourself, I am here to check on you.” Michelle replies as I help her get through the window.

I realize that it is late at night. My alarm says 11 o’clock. I was in “The Realm” for twelve hours? But how? It felt like less than an hour. How strange.

“How did you get up here?” I ask in wonder.

“Please anyone can get in and out of your room. The drain pipe helps” She answers as she gasps for air. “Jason what has gotten into you? You’ve changed a lot lately. I wanna talk to you and ask you what’s up, but you’ve been ignoring me so I thought showing up at your house to confront you would be better but now I realize you’re not being a jerk on purpose, something’s seriously wrong and I’d do anything to help.” Michelle says as we sit on the bed.

As I begin to think of what U should tell her, I wonder to myself: Where do I start?

“Michelle, I have a shitty life. I’ve told you about all of my problems in the past but now… they are different. My mom thinks I am a drug addict, TJ hates me, I’ve been suspended for a whole month, and I lost every one of my friends. None of them care about me, so why bother living this life when all I have is my sadness? Why be a loser with no friends? Why bother being in existence when you are alone? Why try when I know I will fail? Why live this life when I can’t be happy?” I exclaim to Michelle as more tears flow down my face.

“Because, some of your friends still want you in their lives. TJ got over it, your mom loves you very much, and I can never get mad at you for ignoring me. You needed the space, but sometimes too much space can drive someone crazy. The suspension isn’t that bad and if anything you needed to get away from that dump. The food hasn’t gotten any good since you left either.” She tries to soothe me as she holds my hand softly while I chuckle a bit. “Jason I been wanting to tell you this for a long time but I never had the courage to until now because it is literally life or death… So here it is: I have known you for a long time, you’ve had this crush on Jessica Morales since the beginning of time and she is just not for you because she doesn’t appreciate someone as amazing and sweet as you. She will always be with assholes who don’t care about her and she don’t care about them. She wants whoever can get her what she wants and I’d kill her if she hurt you. Also, you have always asked me why am I single and I know you think it is because you hang out with me all the time. That’s not the reason I am single… I’m single because I’m in love with my best friend and I never had the guts to tell him until now…” Michelle drops a bomb shell on me as she holds my hand and kisses me softly on the lips.

I don’t know what to say at this point. I am happy and surprised, yet for some odd reason, I think I felt the same way for her all this time as well. I can’t prepare a speech for her as she looks in my eyes in front of me so I kiss her back. Now we are kissing non-stop. Her lips are so soft, I want to kiss her all night long or even until my own lips fall off. She is taking my shirt off and I begin to kiss her neck. She moans a bit as I take her shirt off. I have trouble taking her bra off, but somehow I unhooked it and began kissing her more. My hands are all over her and her hands are at my waist as she is taking of my pants. I rip her pants off and get on top of her. I put the blanket over our half naked bodies as we begin to make sweet; passionate love until we fall asleep. 

Troubled Soul:The PossessionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ