Chapter XVII

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Good Perp, Bad Perp

I was put in the back seat of what looked like a detective’s car. The leather in the back seat is cold and did not help being put there. It made me feel worse knowing I am in the back of the police car heading to the police station to be questioned for something. What did Ghost do? Did he kill Eddie? What about TJ and the Coach? What did he do? I am now walking through the APD building. The two officers begin to escort me through the doors of the station. Tons of desks and file cabinets are in this room that I am, phones are ringing at a slow rate, and everyone is walking around. The officers put me in a room called “Interview Room 1A”. There is a window with a metal grate on it, metal chairs along with a metal table, a radiator and a glass mirror that I know is a window. I watched enough Law & Order to know how this works. Only problem is that I haven’t planned on being interrogated by police lately or ever.

“Oh I like what they did here. It is much nicer than the torcher chambers I had to go through. No restraints or chains. This generation has gotten soft. Now Jason, they are going to try and convict you of a crime neither of us committed. I know how these police types do their line of questioning. They play a game to get what they want. It’s called good cop, bad cop. How do I know these two particular police officers are going to do this? I can see and hear them through the fake mirror. They also have a psychologist present as well. I got an idea.” Ghost says as I already don’t like the sound of it while he walks around the table in visual form. “Here’s my plan, I’m going to talk to the pudgy detective with the tacky brown suit and grey hair. He is going to play the role of bad cop and I’m going to have fun with him. You on the other hand will tell the truth to the young and ambitious detective in the black suit. He is going to comfort you and I want you to say you don’t know because… well… ya don’t know.” Ghost informs me as he plans a way to trick the police.

“How are we gonna…” I begin to ask as the detective Ghost was talking about comes in. The one he is supposed to interrogate. He closes the door and looks at the file as he sits down in the metal chair opposite from me. Suddenly I feel numb and I feel as if I am watching the interrogation. Suddenly I see myself in the mirror and I wink. Ghost took over! But how? I didn’t ask him to yet. He just did it. Has he been able to do this the whole time? Oh the detective is going to start asking questions now as I get nervous and while he places the manila folder on the table.

“Mr. White, I am Detective Forde, do you know why we brought you in here today?” asked the detective.

“Did you wanna know how to get the hair color you used to have back? You didn’t have to bring me in to ask that, you could’ve asked your supervisor or your captain for that.” Ghost says in a disrespectful tone.

“A wise ass. I like your style. The only problem is your underage so I can’t kick your scrawny little ass ya dip shit.” The detective threatens

“Don’t you mean you can’t get your fat ass kicked by me, you prehistoric dickhead? By the way I heard better threats from a twelve year old. Now why am I here?” Ghost says as Forde gets more annoyed while he gets up and keeps his composure.

“We heard you were in a fight at school and you served a month long suspension. We know you were in a fight with Edward Black and we know you hit Terrence Jackson as well as use racial slurs against him. Also, we are aware that Burt Johnson, the Head Coach of the football team, was in the meeting where you were suspended. You know Burt Johnson, Eddie Black and Terrence Jackson right?” Detective Forde asked.

“Yeah, Eddie’s a big quarterback for Alliance High, Burt Johnson flirted with the lunch lady that looked like a dude and TJ was a friend of mine, what about them?” answered Ghost posing as me.

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