Chapter XIX

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Breakthroughs and Break Ups

I wake up and I know what I have to do today. I have to talk to Michelle, but how? Since leaving the police station, I spent a month thinking about what I should say to her and what I should do. So far, I have only one option. That is to go to her house right now and tell her the truth. The reason it took me this long is because I don’t know how to tell her, but I am determined to get the love of my life back no matter what and this is my only chance I got to do that. I get out of bed, go to my stairs as I proceed to head down them. Nerves run throughout my body as I get chills. I head out the door and walk down the street. Months have gone by since I last heard from Ghost. I have been trying to go to school (back when I was able to) and talk to Michelle there but she switched her classes and her locker. I have no idea where she has been and I cannot wait to see her. The warm soothing June weather has soothed me and made me somewhat calm. As I walk closer and closer to Michelle’s place I can only think of everything that I want to say to her over and over in my head. I finally reach her place. I take a minute to think of what to say. I take a deep breath and I knock on the door. The wait on the front porch is unbearable. I just want to see here and tell her the truth. I hear the door opening and as I look up, I don’t see Michelle or her parents… I see Derrick… without a shirt.

“Jason, oh my God, dude where have you been man? I haven’t heard from you in a while what’s good bro?” Derrick asks not knowing how infuriated I am seeing him here without a top.

“What’s good? What’s good?! Why are you not wearing a shirt you asshole?!” I shout as Michelle comes closer to try and stop us from fighting.

“Whoa man! I sense a lot of hostility here. What’s your deal bro?” Derrick asks.

“You are my problem ya dick. Go back to your trailer you fucking hick!” I yell.

“Jason knock it off.” Michelle says as she looks at me with anger.

“I don’t need this dude. I thought we were cool man. I’m outta here. Later, Michelle.” Derrick states as he leaves.

“What is wrong with you?” Michelle asks.

“Me what is wrong with you? You haven’t talked to me in months. I want to talk to you but I can see you’re too busy with lover boy.” I say out of anger.

I didn’t plan on any of this. I was intending on telling her how I feel. Not flipping out, but that was my mistake.

“Look, for your information, Derrick came over because his parents were fighting again. He couldn’t find a shirt to wear so he came over without one. We didn’t do anything. All we did was talk because he is there for me now.” Michelle says as I am hurt and realize what I did wrong. She goes on, “Jason I have been ignoring you because you broke my heart. When I saw you in class texting and looking at Jessica I knew something was wrong. She never noticed you. I don’t know what has gotten into you but over the past six months you have changed and it kills me to watch someone I love change before my very eyes. I was and I still am hurting Jason. What you did was unforgivable and I don’t think me and you could ever be together again. We can be friends but right now I still need some space.” Michelle says as tears run down her eyes as well as my own.

“Michelle… please… don’t do this to me… I can explain… Let me explain everything.” I state but Michelle won’t take part of it.

“It’s too late for that Jason. I’m sorry, but it is over between me and you” I start to cry more as she does too and Michelle hugs me. “I will always love you Jason, but as long as you are what you are becoming, I could never be with you, I’m sorry.” She states as her voice cracks and now she starts to cry as she runs up stairs to her room while I drop to my knees and cry on the porch.

After a few minutes I get up and begin to walk home. Rain starts to fall down onto my head and it causes my hair to drop further down. My hair covers my eyes and hide all of my tears on one side of my face. When I get home I’m shaving the emo hair and hopefully sheading the memory of everything that has happened. Maybe this is it… Maybe this is the end of this miserable life that I live as we know it. I don’t know what I will do but I know I will be in my bedroom until I die (Which won’t take long).

Meanwhile, back at the APD, detectives Munson and Forde look for a way to solve the case and it appears that Munson has found a breakthrough in the case.

“Forde, did I ever tell you about my brother?” asked Detective Munson.

“No why? Is it important?” Sarcastically replied by Detective Forde.

“Actually it is because my brother was killed in a fire similar to the one Jason’s father died in.” Munson reveals as Forde leans in to listen. “When I was a freshman in high school my brother and I lived together. He worked at the restaurant we lived above as a dishwasher. For a little extra money we could rent the basement as well. I wasn’t really interested in it but my brother was. Like really interested in it. Every week he’d spend more and more of his time down there. The manager ended up firing him. At first I thought he was jerking off to porn or something but one day after he went job hunting around the community, I snuck into the basement. He had a bunch of satanic shit down there. Pentagrams, 666 written everywhere, and I think he was trying to get a ritual going because he had 5 heads of 5 different animals. Each one was for a different point on the pentagram.” Detective Munson shows a picture of a pentagram. He proceeded, “Each one means Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Lust, and Greed, otherwise known as five of the seven deadly sins. And the center stands for pride. The spirit must be attached to the vessel, the human, and that person must have some form of connection towards these people. Like Jason had that fight with Eddie so Eddie is under wrath. Moving back to my brother, I tried to talk to my bro but he flipped out on me and that fight lead to me moving out. I’m assuming he went on with his ritual and the whole place was set on fire. He died instantly”

“Point?” asked Forde.

“No one is able to have pin point schizophrenic personality changes like Jason did. He was a dick to you during your interview and he was calm, but then I talked to him and he was shaking. Like he was scared for his life. Jason’s eye color changed too. When he speaks to you their red, but when he talks to me their brown.” Detective Munson says.

“Are you trying to say that a seventeen year old kid is possessed by a spirit and they are trying to perform some type of demonic ritual?” Forde asked.

“Yeah.” Munson said sensing doubt from his mentor.

“So when do we get the warrant?” Forde asked believing his partner.

“We got to wait until he is out of school and then we have to ask for it which you know will take a few days. Can’t interrupt students during finals or something ridiculous. We got a finger print from the doorknob of the interview room and we tried matching the prints for months but the machines were down. Some even short circuited, but we got them back online recently and it was an exact match.” Said Munson.

“Let’s cuff this little prick now and be done with it.” Forde says with frustration.

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