Secret Meetings

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I wake up on Sunday extremely nervous, I cant believe I have a date with Dutch and I'm also nervous about sneaking around and praying that we wont get found out, that's a drama I dont want to deal with right now.

Talking of dramas we have to go and meet my dads new girlfriend and her son tonight, luckily we are going for a meal at a restaurant so it will all be on neutral ground.

After Jacob goes to work, I have breakfast with my dad and tell him that I'm going out with Jessie for the day. I promise that I'll be back in time to get dressed and go to the restaurant with him and Jacob and that I wont let him down. Knowing full well we will have to be back before Jacob finishes work at 5 so that he doesn't see Dutch dropping me back home after our date 

I then head upstairs to get ready for my date, I put on one of my gypsy skirts, the black and purple one and then my black bustier vest top as I know it makes my breasts look great. I add, plenty of chains and bangles and ensure my hair is loose and fluffed up. I'm keeping makeup minimal just some lip gloss I add eyeliner and layer mascara to accentuate my big blue eyes. Yeah I think I'm good to go just add some strappy sandals, my denim jacket incase I need it later and my black fringed handbag.

Its 10am so I say goodbye to my dad who is sitting in his office and doesn't even look up from his work at me. Just shouts that I better be back for the meal tonight I roll my eyes and then go and wait outside for Dutch.

10 minutes I'm waiting outside, thinking that I've been a fool and he is not gonna turn up when eventually I hear the loud purr of a car approaching. I see a sleek black sportscar pull up on my drive, Dutch gets out and comes round to open the car door for me.

"Sorry I'm late." He says looking genuinely sorry, he is wearing tight black Jean's, and a leather jacket, the darkness of his outfit offset by his tan and the bleach blonde colour of his hair. He pulls off his sunglasses to get a better look at me.

"Wow you look beautiful."

"Thank you, and it's ok I've only just stepped outside." I say lying and then walking towards the open door of his vehicle.

I get in the car and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I watch him walk around the car and then get in beside me.

"So where are we off too?" I ask 

"I thought we would drive up to Santa Monica, have a day on the pier and by the beach. Is that ok? I think it's far enough away that your brother or anyone wouldnt see us."

"Yeah sounds good to me, you know this place and area better than I ever could, and I hate sneaking around I do, but I just dont want drama with my brother yet, he already told me that I'm not allowed to see you."

Dutch looks over at me "Yeah Jacob said that to me too, well he said to all of us but I know It was aimed at me, that apparently you dont date and none of us were allowed to hit on you at all. Which is bullshit."

"Why do you say bullshit?" I say looking back at him, taking in his gorgeous profile as his eyes are fixed on the road.

"Well because I know for a fact that your brother told Bobby at your Halloween party that he could ask you out, that's why Bobby was trying soooooo hard. He really likes you, ya know." He looks over at me trying to gauge my reaction.

"I dont think of Bobby like that, I like him as a friend and he is kind and good to talk to, but he isnt really my type." I say smiling.

My Brothers FriendsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang