The All Valley Tournament

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It's now Saturday and we have arranged to go to the All Valley tournament, the guys agreed that it would be a good idea to all go together as a show of strength to face Kreese and go back to a place where they all have a bit of past trauma especially poor Johnny.

I head to the tournament with my brother and Barb, I'm a bit anxious as I haven't seen Bobby since our last party when he found out about me and Dutch and I haven't seen Dutch since Wednesday and I think things are still strained between us. 

I dont know what's happening with us  I'm attracted to Dutch and I feel that I'm falling for him but theres this barrier between us and I dont know what it is, I feel I cant let him in, which is weird as when i used to talk to Bobby I felt I could tell him everything about myself, it's my issue I know what but I dont know what my block is.

I shouldnt have worried really as when we get out of the car, Dutch comes bounding over to meet me and greets me with a kiss and a hug.

Bobby says hi to me, and I see that him and Dutch seem ok again, so maybe tonight will be ok after all.

We head into the arena, and take a seat in the back, the guys want to be hidden and dont want to cause a scene and be seen by that Daniel boy as well as the new Cobra Kai guy and Kreese.

I sit next to Dutch and Barbara, she starts to tell me about the last time she was here, and how awful it all was with Johnny and the guys just trying to take down Daniel. I know Dutch can hear what she is saying but he keeps quiet and I know he is embarrassed about that part of his life.

We watch the tournament and Dutch tells me about the rules and why Daniel is only competing in the final match. The new cobra kai guy Mike Barnes is a vicious character I certainly wouldn't want to be fighting him.

"Oh my god, he is scary, he is just tearing through the competition." I say just staring.

"Alright Marissa, you are drooling, you can close your mouth now." Dutch tries to make a joke but when I look at him I can see he isnt joking.

"Jeez I was only saying and i wasnt drooling." I huff and just watch now in silence and it pisses me off that everytime Mike fights Dutch looks at me for a reaction.

When it comes to the end of the tournament and its Daniel vs Mike, it's an awful fight, Mike is just all over him, picking pieces off him like a lion playing with his food. Its only when Daniel finally digs deep and fights back that the guys get excited and start cheering on Daniel, anything against Kreese I guess.

When Mike loses and all the crowd cheers and start throwing their Cobra Kai tshirts back at Kreese and that weird guy with the ponytail, Dutch turns to me and says.

"Ha your boyfriend doesn't look so hot now does he?"

I shake my head at him "Oh Dutch stop being so childish." I then turn to talk to Barbara I cant deal with jealous boys its pathetic and a major turn off.

I cant help but notice Bobby looking over at our exchange with a funny look on his face.

We pile out of the arena and head to the cars.

"Where we heading too next? It's still early." My brother asks, always looking for a party.

"Lets go to that bar around the corner, it's a college bar and they will serve us they dont care." Johnny says.

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