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Its Christmas in a couple of weeks and my brother is arranging another one of his crazy parties. We kind of know that it will be the last one as my dad has already said that Melinda and Henry are moving in to ours in January ahead of their spring wedding.

My Dad and Melinda have booked to go to New York to do some christmas shopping so my brother is seizing his opportunity and Barbara is helping him plan the craziness.

I really wish that me and Dutch were out as an official couple but my brother and Bobby are still clueless. But we have to come out soon as I want him to meet my dad, Dutch is already arranging for me to have dinner at his parents home and I feel like shit like I'm still hiding him away. Also Johnny is throwing a huge New Year party at his and we want to be able to go as a couple.

It's a nightmare we meet up around Jacob's work schedule or we have to enlist Jessie and Jimmy to lie for us saying in at hers studying it's not good and I hate lying as I've got nothing to be ashamed of but Jacob has made it very clear that Dutch is not to be trusted and certainly isnt boyfriend material. Shows how much he knows as he has been a perfect boyfriend to me so far. 

I'm getting ready for the party in my bedroom while My brother, Barbara, Johnny, Tommy and Bobby are setting the house up for later, Dutch is at work and Jimmy and Jessie are on their way over. we are going full on chistmas party mode tonight and ive brought a santa dress and hat for the party and I cant wait for Dutch to see me in it.

Im doing the final touches to my costume, big black boots and bright red lipstick when Barbara walks in she is wearing a sparkly black party dress and looks so stunning with corkscrew curls in her usually straight hair and I have to wonder if my brother knows just how lucky he is.

"Hey Sexy Santa, you look amazing." she says standing by me in the mirror and fluffing up my hair.

"Thank you, you look great too, ugh Barb im so nervous though and me and Dutch have said we are going to tell people tonight that we are a couple."

She looks at me wide eyed "Really, tonight? well thanks for giving me a heads up then ill have to get him stoned so he is a good mood" she says laughing.

"Who's getting stoned?" Jessie says as she walks into my room, she is dressed as a fairy which just suits her to a tee.

"Jacob will have to be. As Dutch and Marissa are going to tell everyone that they are a couple tonight." Barbara says.

"Oh thank the lord for that, Me and Jimmy wont have to cover for you guys anymore, can i borrow this?" she says grabbing a frosted pink lipstick from my dresser and applies it before i can answer. "I am relived but just test the water before you guys come out and do it at the right time plus you know us lot will support you. I just wonder how Bobby is going to take it as Jimmy says that he still talks about you all the time and is hoping to take you out again at some point." she says shaking her head at us.

"i know we have been so concerned about how Jacob will act and react we havent thought about Bobby which i know is totally shit, but Ive told Dutch that he needs to take him aside and talk to him as he is his friend and I dont want to be the cause of a rift in their friendship"

"Anyway girls shall we go down, get a drink and start the party." Barbara says. The three of us then head downstairs, needing help over the stairs barricade the guys have made so that no one will head up to the bedrooms during the party.

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