A Christmas to remember

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We have broke up from school and college as it's only a few days before Christmas. It's also great that we dont have to sneak around anymore, my dad knows that Dutch has his own apartment and doesnt really like me hanging out there and prefers us to be together at my house so they can all keep an eye on us.

Tonight we are lying on my bed eating snacks watching some cheesy christmas movie that's on the t.v, of course with the door wide open, Melinda keeps popping in at random intervals to see that we are ok and if we need anything. But really they are just checking that we arent having sex which is hilarious as we had a quickie just before they got home anyway.

Things have been better between us since our little chat and I feel that the walls have come down, we are talking more and connecting in more ways than sexually.

"Babe I forgot to ask you, I know you will be with your family at Christmas but I thought maybe we could do something on Christmas Eve just the two of us." He says as he pops another handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"Yeah my Dad and Melinda are going to the country club christmas party that night. So I've got no plans."

"Yeah my parents are going there too, I want to give you your Christmas present that night as I want to see your face when you open it."

"Ah babe, you didnt have to get me a present, you are so cute." I say leaning over to kiss him.

"Yeah I've got a few surprises for you on Christmas Eve so dress up nice and I'll pick you up from here at 6"

"Oh I'm excited now, I cant wait. You do spoil me." I say cuddling him tight on the bed and kissing him.

"Break it up, I'm sure that's no allowed" my brother jokes as he walks in to my room, he has just finished work and comes in to sit on my window seat. "What are you two talking about?"

"Christmas, Dutch has got me a surprise planned on Christmas eve and we are present swapping that night too."

He laughs "Yeah I hope you like used car parts Marissa." 

Dutch chucks popcorn at my brother and calls him a dick.

"Oh yeah casanova what have you brought Barbara for christmas, please tell me you've got her something." I say genuinely interested.

"I've actually brought her a necklace and matching earrings, oh and this denim jacket that she kept not so subtly hinting at every time we were in the mall." He chuckles at the thought.

"Wow I'm impressed, never thought I'd see the day, your actually thinking of someone else...so cute." I tease him and he sticks his finger up at me.

"Actually I'm thinking of alot of things at the moment, I'm actually looking at getting my own place in the new year "

"Whatttt with Barb?" Dutch says looking shocked.

"Nah I just need my own space, but at least we would have privacy there. Plus in the new year Henry and Melinda will be moving in so the house will be crowded."

"Oh yeah our mansion will be overcrowded I get ya." I say rolling my eyes. "That's shit though I'm not gonna lie, I hate the thought of you not being under the same roof."

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