Time to Talk

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I get myself a drink and then head upstairs to bed, I get changed into my night shirt, have a wash and go and lie down on my bed.

I just lie there in silence stressing over my date, and then thinking about Dutchs date. Ugh where are they now and what is he doing with some sexy college girl. It's just driving me mad and then I feel like shit as I've totally used Bobby tonight or at least that's what I feel I've done.

I cant sleep, I turn on my lamp so that I can read for a bit trying to settle my busy mind. I then hear them all arrive home, oh great that's just what I need to hear and see Dutch getting it on with that girl.

I hear a knock on my door, shall I pretend to be asleep or not? "Marissa its Barbara, are you awake?" She says softly through the door.

"Yeah come in." I reply.

She comes in and sits on the edge of my bed, "How did your date go?"

"It was ok, I had a nice time and I really do like Bobby....its just..um well." I dont know how to finish that sentence.

"Its just that he isnt Dutch." She says smiling at me.

"What? No....I dont know what you mean" I say stumbling over my words.

"Oh come on Marissa I'm not stupid,  I see the way you look at each other, and how annoyed you were when you found out each other had a date. I'm guessing its him you've been sneaking around with"

She can tell by the look on my face that Its the truth. "I liked him and I thought that he liked me, but I was just fooling myself, he didnt give a shit about me I was just another girl on a list of many to him."

"Hey can I come in?" Johnny says from the hallway.

" Yeah sure" but now really im really conscious of the fact that I'm in just a night shirt and not much else.

"Can I just say Marissa, that's not it at all I've never seen Dutch so hung up over a girl before, you are all he ever speaks about." Johnny says

"Oh yeah he cares so much about me, that he hides me away, wont tell my brother about us and then still goes on dates with other girls." I say quite upset now.

"Didnt you tell her?" Johnny asks Barbara.

"Tell me what?" I look at each of them.

"Dutch didnt go on the date, that's how I finally put 2 and 2 together." Barbara shrugs at me.

"What? He didnt really why?" I can tell I sound quite happy about this.

She smiles at me and continues "Well after you left on your date with Bobby, he came storming back in and said that something came up and that he couldn't go on the date now and went home in a huff. That's how I knew that he liked you, I've never seen Dutch act that way before."

"As I said he really likes you, he was hurt that you used Bobby to get at him." Johnny pipes up.

"I didnt use Bobby." I see the look they both give me. "Ok, maybe a little which makes me feel like shit just so you know and Bobby really is a decent guy. Ugh I just dont know what to do? Why does my brother not want me and Dutch together?"

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