I wont apologise for being in love.

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At school the next day, I cant find Jessie anywhere we usually have a catch up before classes but I cant seem to find her anywhere.

We dont have any classes together in the morning, I hope she is ok and in school, when I grab my lunch tray I see her sitting at a table outside with a couple of our other friends.

"Hey guys" I say as I sit down, and I soon realise that the table is very frosty. They dont acknowledge me at all and carry on their conversation.

"Sooo what's up? What we talking about?" Still nothing they are literally acting like I dont exist. Well I dont suffer fools easily so I just grab my tray and go and sit on my own, I'm not going to be somewhere where I'm clearly unwanted.

I cant think what their issue is with me, when I saw Jessie last at my brothers she was fine with me.

I finish my lunch and take my tray away and head to my locker before the next class starts.

Jessie comes by to grab her books, now on her own but still acts as if I'm invisible.

"Jessie, what the hell? Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something to you?" I ask really confused and slightly frustrated.

She slams her locker "oh come on you are not that stupid? You know what you did? Bobby came over to Jimmy's yesterday after you dumped him for that twat Dutch."

"Look no offence but that's got nothing to do with you or Jimmy that's between us three so I dont see why you are getting involved?"

"I'm involved as I set you and Bobby up, we told Bobby you were over that prick and you wanted to be with him that's why we set you two up. Now he is heartbroken, you cheated on him and dumped him for that loser. I cant believe you would give up Bobby, sweet kind Bobby for that idiot you will regret it when Dutch does what he always does and you'll be begging to get back with Bobby and then it will be too late as I'm going to set him up with a nice decent girl who will actually appreciate him."

"Ok look, I feel terrible for Bobby I do, but I cant help how I feel, i love Dutch even with all his faults and craziness and I wont apologise for following my heart."

"Hmmm yeah your heart! dont pretend that it isnt anything more than lust based as when you guys arent having sex what's actually left between you? he is thick, dull and boring and that's why he has to drink and do drugs to make himself even remotely interesting."

I slam my locker door and get right in her face "Now you've gone too far dont insult my boyfriend, say what you want about me but I will fucking scratch your eyes out if you say anything bad about him again." Then I go to storm off.

"You deserve each other, you are both crazy." She shouts after me in shock.

I ignore her for the rest of the day even though it upsets me to fall out with Jessie she is my only friend here but I won't have her insulting Dutch and our relationship especially as in truth she is touching on all my insecurities.

After school Dutch is waiting for me in the car park as I walk past a group of girls towards him I hear them whispering but loud enough for me to hear that I have a different guy picking me up each week and I dont let it get to me, it's clearly Jessie and the girls spreading these gossipy rumours to get to me.

"Hey beautiful are you ok? You look sad?" He says greeting me with a kiss.

"I've just had a shit day and I've fallen out with Jessie."

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