Date Night

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The drive back over to mine was silent and awkward, neither me and Barb knowing what to say to each other. I was still shaken up but poor Barb was going to have to go back and deal with the fallout.

As we pull up on the driveway Barb turns to me "What are you doing honey? Are you really going on a date with Bobby tonight? You must have known what trouble that would cause."

I sigh loudly "it's not a date, just two friends going out." I tell her how it came about with the setup by Jessie and Jimmy.

"Who are you kidding? It's clearly a date and Bobby will see it as one too. You cant keep going back and forth between the two of them as its all going to end in tears. You know how they both feel about you?"

"I know, I know it's a mess but I do like Bobby but I'm still so in love with Dutch but that's just fruitless now we can never be together we just dont work and my dad will never allow it anyway he hates him." I say shaking my head.

"Hmmm then I think you should let him know that there is no chance then, if there really isnt as he is under the impression that you will get back together at some point."

"Yeah and he is really trying hard to change isnt he? He is making no effort at all still drinking, fighting and his anger is totally out of control still."

"Yeah he is a total dick we know that but he is also hurting really bad over your breakup. I just dont think you going on a date with Bobby is a good idea but that's just my opinion what do I know?" 

I walk out the car feeling like total shit and head upstairs to get dressed still unsure whether to cancel or not. But I decide to still go I need and deserve a night out plus I want to talk to Bobby and I'll tell him the truth about everything and then we can both decide where to go from here.

I get ready for my non date I'm trying to be upbeat as I choose my outfit but I still cant stop my mind drifting to Dutch and how deep down I kind of wish it was him I was meeting but it's just not possible.

I decide to wear my green tartan dress tights, boots and put my hair up with a banana clip, I want to make it look like I've made an effort but not too much.

"Hey honey, theres a boy called Bobby downstairs saying he is here to take you out tonight. I didn't know you were dating again?" My dad says while looking sternly by my door.

"Oh Daddy it's just my friend stop being silly, I thought you would be happy that I was getting out of the house."

"Hmmm well at least it's not with that bleached blonde idiot."

I roll my eyes as he says that, I kiss him on the cheek as I pass by and head down to see Bobby standing there looking all kinds of cute with his floppy hair and blue leather jacket.

"Hey Marissa wow you look beautiful?" I thank him and we awkwardly hug in the doorway.

"So where are you two kids off to tonight?" Melinda asks.

"Um I'm not sure, where are we going Bobby? oh and sorry I have no manners Bobby this is my dad and Melinda." 

They all greet each other very politely and Bobby just seems cute and at ease meeting them, it's all very smiley and nice.

"Right well I thought we could go to golf n stuff it's an amusement park not far from here."

"Sounds good to me, right let's go then?" I say opening the door and leading him out the way.

"Bobby I know its Saturday night but my daughter still has a curfew I want her home no later than midnight, do you understand."

He agrees and I dont fail to notice that he has given me an extra hour, when I'm out with Dutch he always wanted me home by 11.

We get to Golf n stuff it's pretty cute, I've never been here before but I see quite a few people from my school around so I'm guessing it's the place where the local teenagers hang out.

We play on the arcade games, and then have a round of crazy golf, he really is a cutie and we seem to be having a good time.

We go and get a hot dog, a drink and sit down on the bench and I feel it's now the right time to tell him what went down at my brothers today.

"Shit, ok well I think I'll be seeing him at the dojo in the morning so I'll talk to him about it about us, I mean is there an us?"

"Yeah I feel like crap about it as I dont want to cause a fight between you two, and I dont know, i like you and i like being around you. But I'm scared as i think people are going to judge me and hate me."

"Fuck them, who cares what they think, I like you and you like me, and i would like to see more of you and just see where this what do you say?"

I answer him by leaning in and capturing his lips with mine, his lips are as soft as I imagined they would be. He is so tender and gentle in his approach everything about him is tender and sweet and I'm definitely feeling something here.

We carry on with the date but something has changed now, we cant keep our hands off each other now that the barrier has been broken down. He is holding my hand, stealing kisses and getting closer as we play another game of golf.

He takes me home and as we are a little early we just spend the next 30mins kissing and it's just the perfect end to our date.

He promises to call me after karate in the morning to let me know how things have gone and tells me not to worry about Dutch or the others. But I still cant shake my uneasy feeling as Dutch is not going to take this well at all.

Bobby calls me after karate like he promised and he asks if I want to go over to the mall with him. So I get dressed and go downstairs to wait for him.

As he pulls up I get in the car and I'm immediately angry as I see he has a welt forming under his eye and it will be a nasty black eye by morning, it doesn't take a genius to guess who did it.

"Oh my fucking god Bobby he is an animal are you ok?"

"Its alright, but that's why I didnt come up to your house I didnt want your Dad to see me like this."

"What happened Bobby? Tell me?"

"I told Dutch about us, and that we were dating now of course he lost it and we had a fight out on the mats but it's all sorted now."

"And you believe that? You think he will be ok with us?"

"Yeah we just avoid him and dont rub it in his face and I think it will be ok. I mean its Dutch we are talking about here, he will move on soon enough."

That little dig didnt go unnoticed by myself. So I guess we are dating now and it's all out in the open but I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it still. 

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