A Total Setup

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It's been 2 weeks since me and Dutch split up and I'll be honest I've been miserable second guessing myself every step of the way.

I've isolated myself only going to school and then coming back shutting myself in my room only coming out to eat. I miss him like crazy but I know the relationship wasnt right and needed to be fixed.

Dutch has avoided me like the plague he hasnt been to the house since, even when the other guys have come over even though I've avoided them too.

My brother wont talk to me about him but Barb and Jessie have said that he Is drinking and partying alot so, so much for making an effort and trying to win me back. But I guess we all deal with breakups in our own way, I'm no angel I'm smoking more to help me relax of a night as I cant sleep and I'm barely eating which hasnt gone unnoticed by my family who have commented on my weight loss.

Its Friday night after school and Melinda calls me to tell me that Jessie is on the phone.

"Hey misery pants, get yourself dressed me and Jimmy are coming to pick you up in 15 minutes."

"Oh Jessie no, I'm not in the mood and I especially dont want to third wheel with a happy couple."

"Oh come on we will tone it down, you just need to get out, we are only going to the cinema, I mean what else are you going to do eat ice cream and cry looking at pictures of Dutch."

"Well that was the plan." I say laughing "ok , ok I'll go get dressed thank you and I'll see you in a bit."

I told my dad and Melinda where I was going and they seemed happy that I was out and moving again. I get dressed and put on some makeup and perfume for the first time in weeks and actually feel human again.

They pick me up in Jimmy's car and we head over to the multiplex. "Hey Jimmy have you seen Dutch? How is he?"

Before he can answer Jessie butts in "Oh no the peroxide kid is totally off limits tonight, he is not to be mentioned at all. You got it?"

I smile sadly and sit back in my seat "yeah ok I get it."

We park up and then as we head into the foyer I see Bobby standing there on his own and I realise I've been totally set up by these two and by the look on Bobby's face he clearly wasnt in on the ambush.

"Bobby fancy seeing you here?" Jessie says in a light flirty voice.

"Yeah weird that Jessie, as you and Jimmy invited me here tonight." He says shaking his head.

I smile at him and greet him in a friendly way but I'm totally thrown now. Those two go and get the tickets leaving me and Bobby to go and get the popcorn and sweets.

"Marissa, I'm sorry I didnt know what those two had planned they just invited me to the movies." He says as we are standing in the queue.

"Its ok Bobby, I know what those two are like. How are you anyway?" 

"I'm good, how are you doing? Look Marissa I want to apologise I wanted to reach out to you over the past few weeks to see how you were but I didnt think it would be appropriate."

"Its fine and it would have been ok, but I just needed time to heal but I'm ok now.... well alot better thanks."

We buy popcorn, sweets and drinks as much as we can carry and probably more than we need but for the first time in weeks I actually feel like snacking.

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