Blended families and second dates

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I get changed into a blue ruffled cocktail dress and heels, clip one side of my hair up in a dark blue barette and then put on some matching dangly earrings. I think I look presentable enough to meet my dads new girlfriend and eat at this posh restaurant down in Beverley Hills. 

Theres a knock at my door and I open it to see my brother has just got in from work, "Please tell me you are changing Jacob, dad will freak if you go out like that."

"ha ha you are so funny, you look nice though sis, you almost look like a girl." I stick out my tongue at him.

"I just wanted to see how you were feeling about tonight? are you cool with it?"

"Not really, but I will make the effort for dads sake, I wont embarass him, plus she has a 10 year old son, he must be feeling awkward too and he has lost a parent so I just feel for him." I say looking sad as I apply some frosted pink lipstick to my lips.

"Wow, whats happened to you, you've had a change of heart." he looks surprised.

"As I said im doing this for Dad. You better go get ready as we are leaving soon." he then goes to finally get ready, somewhat reluctantly. I know I've  had a change of heart and I think it is down to Dutch, I know that I need Dad on my side if all my secrets come out so me acting like a brat and causing a scene in a restaurant won't help my cause at all.

I go downstairs and wait for Jacob to be ready, and I help fix my dads tie, he looks so smart in his blue striped suit. He is quite a handsome older man, with his black slicked hair and italian colouring he looks like an old 1940s movie star. I can see why woman would still fall for his charms and I'm sure that my mother wouldn't  want him to live the rest of his life alone and miserable.

Jacob comes down weaing black trousers, a dark grey shirt, no tie or jacket. "Jacob wheres your jacket and tie, come on its a nice place?" i say giving him a look.

"its fine you look presentable Jacob, its fine, come on we are going to be late if we dont go now." Dad says smiling at both of us, he clearly doesnt want to rock the boat either.

The ride over to Beverley Hills is mostly silent until dad turns to me and says "How was your day out with your friend today? where did you end up going?"

"Ah just over to her house and chilled out and watched a movie."

"What friend?" Jacob pipes up

"Jessie, you know Jessie? I just went to hers?"

"Huh...thats mad as Tommy came by the garage today and said Jimmy was taking Jessie out, so he was bored on his own as everyone of the guys were out doing something?"

Shit...."Yeah Jimmy came over later and i left when them two were going out somewhere."

I refuse to turn around in my seat and make eye contact with him as he will know that im clearly lying and I seriously dont think he has brought my lie. I'll have to talk to Jessie and get her and Jimmy to cover for me.

We go into the restaurant and are shown to our table where a small petite red head is waiting with a young boy who has a mop of blonde hair and they both look really shy and nervous as we all say hi and greet them. She is not what I expected her to be at all, I had this preconcieved perception that she would be some young bimbo, but there didnt look to be that much age difference between her and my Mom. She was actually quite pretty when you looked at her, she was well dressed and consrvative looking but had the prettiest pale blue eyes ive ever seen that her little boy had inherited.

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