3.Meeting some new friends

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Rosé POV
The class was hell. Why do I have to sit with that annoying guy.
The classes are over and I'm going to  cafeteria since it's time for lunch. When I reached cafeteria I saw the girls with the bunch of guys?
I went to their direction.

3rd person POV
As Rosé was going to the direction of the girls she noticed Taeyong sitting with them. 'What is he doing with them' she thought. Lisa saw Rosé coming as she made place for her to sit.
"Who are they?" Rosé asked as soon as she sat.
"They are our friends, the one we told you about" Lisa replied.
"A bunch of guys?" "Uh-yeah" "You got to be kidding me" "No we're not" "This man right here too?" Rosé asked pointing to Taeyong.
"Yeah" just then Taeyong looks up and sees Rosé. "What is she doing here" "She's our friend from Australia we talked right, wait you both know each other?" "She is the seatmate I talked about"
"I never knew you were friends with a stupid" Rosé and Taeyong said at the same time.
"Wtf" they both said.
"Oh God! It's so funny seeing them saying same things again" Jaehyun says before laughing loudly again.
"What" they all said again.
Jaehyun stopped laughing as she explained what happened earlier in class and the corridors.
They all started laughing while Taeyong and Rosé were having a glaring competition.
"Yah stop with the glares you both" Jisoo said in order to stop the both.
As the boys and Rosé introduced themselves, they exchanged numbers.
"I'm actually Sorry from his side, he is always like this" Johnny said ignoring Taeyong's stare.
"It's OK" Rosé shortly replied.
"Say sorry for your behaviour too" Jisoo said nudging her to say sorry.
"Why would I? See what he did to my wrist" Rosé said as she showed her wrist which had red mark. "He hold my wrist so tight" "Hey see here what you did" he said showing his own wrist, which had mark of nails. "She dig her nails on my skin, what if I died"
"It hurts so bad" they both said at the same time.
"Stop copying me" both said
While the others were controlling their laughter to see them changing their behaviour from cute to angry and saying same words again and again at same time.
"Hey stop"
"No one is copying anyone"
"Don't fight"
"They looked cute though". All eyes were now on Lisa as she said those words.
" I was just kidding, though it was true but stop staring at me, it creeps me out"Lisa said
"Hey I'm sorry for her behaviour, she's always like that you know" Jisoo said.
"Now eat" Taeil said ordering them to eat, which all obeyed.
"And I hope you two can get well together" Taeil said
"I'm leaving first"
They both said same things at same time and left.
"They didn't even know they both said same things again. Cute" Lisa looked up all eyes on her.
"It's my first time hearing a person speciously a girl grudging against hyung" Ten said and all agreed.
"But it's better what if they both get back as they were in past" Jennie said
"Hmm. Maybe. But it will be good if that happens" Lucas said
"We all know about Taeyong hyung but why is Rosé cold like him?" Jaehyun asked out of blue.
"It will be better if she tells you herself. All I can I say is that it was terrible and horrible, that she had to leave Korea" Jennie said looking down.
"But I'm happy that she is now independent and better though a bit cold" she continued.
"It must have been horrible that she even left Korea for that" Jaehyun said.
They all nodded.
Please ignore any grammatical mistakes.
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