16. Am I Third Wheeling?

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"Yo! since we don't have homework and no tests tomorrow wanna go out?" Chaeyoung asked as they both reached home. School ended few minutes ago and for the first time it was a bit fun for Taeyong. To everyone's surprise he payed attention to class and even gave answers. He did well on test to what he think. And if we be honest here Taeyong was starting to like this.

"Yea why not.... where though?" He asked tilting his head, being unintentionally cute.

Cutie.... "Amusement park? I've been wanting to go there" she said ruffling his hair while smiling.

"We doing skin-ship now huh?" Taeyong remarkably said raising his eyebrows.

"You don't like it? I won't do it then" She said sarcastically pouting keeping a 6ft distance.

"I- I never said I didn't like iT" he said emphasizing the 't'.

"Damn it's getting too childish. Just tell me you want to go or not." she replied with a straight face.

"What if I say no?"

"I'll go with Jaehyun then-"

"What if I say I was kidding and I want to go?" he said sheepishly.


"What we gonna do first" Chaeyoung asked excitedly jumping.

"Bumper Cars!" Jaehyun replied

"Mirror Maze!" Taeyong said at the same moment.

"No Bumper cars!"

"Excuse me WE are going to Mirror maze"

"Nope we are going there" Chaeyoung said keenly pointing towards 'The Ghost House'.

"To be honest that seems a bit fun" Jaehyun replied with amusement. Now both Jaehyun and Chaeyoung glanced at Taeyong waiting for his response.

"NO! I'M NOT GOING IN THERE!! DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE?!" Taeyong shouted gaining attention of the people near them.

"No I don't want to go-"

"3 tickets for the ghost house please" Chaeyoung asked.

"I beg your pardon young lady I'm am not going in there" Taeyong said crossing his arms glaring at her.

"Well you are. Nothing will happen Yongie. You have me and Jaehyun, You have to get over your fear you know. And I promise after this we'll go to the ride you want" Chaeyoung said comforting a sulky Taeyong.

"Am I third-wheeling?" Jaehyun mumbled seeing both of his friends having their own moment.


With some scared screaming, clowning the ghosts, Taeyong clinging to Chaeyoung everytime a jumpscare comes and Jaehyun third-wheeling, They easily exited the Ghost House.

"Now where do you wanna go bubu?" Chaeyoung asked now clinging on Taeyong.

"Mirror Maze!" Taeyong said excitedly jumping.

"Wait I'm not going to go in there without a candy floss" she said running toward the candy floss stall.

"Get one for me!" Taeyong shouted loud enough for her to hear.

"Am I..... Third-wheeling?" Jaehyun asked himself for the 6th time.


After having fun in the Mirror Maze three of them went to tons of other rides like rollercoasters, trying different foods here and there.

"I have to go to the bathroom you can try the next ride, I won't take much time" Jaehyun said leaving Chaeyoung and Taeyong alone.

"Let's go to the next slide I guess?" Chaeyoung asked looking at the disappearing figure of Jaehyun.

Taeyong nodded looking at the same direction.

"The next ride is-"

"FERRIS WHEEL!" Taeyong shouted thrilled cutting whatever she was saying, Dragging Chaeyoung to the line for the Ferris Wheel.

After a few minutes of standing into the line they finally got into the Ferris wheel.

"Woah It's so cool up here" Taeyong said looking out of the windows as they reached the top. When he didn't get any response he looked at his front just to find Chaeyoung staring at him, his lips to be more specific. Taeyong was just going to ask what was wrong with her but a sudden impact stopped him, Chaeyoung's lips on his and thus they shared a sweet kiss.


"Ugh I shouldn't have drank that much cola" Jaehyun said getting out of the washroom. He went back to where he left both of his friends, but they were no where to be seen. Looking around he saw both of them enjoying at the Ferris wheel. Seeing them happy made him happy too but the smile on his face was replaced with a confused frown when he saw them share a sweet kiss.

"Why did they invite me?"

"Just for third wheeling?"


I updated twice a week as I promised! Hope you like this cheesy chapter😁

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