Chapter 12

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Literally just got yelled at and grounded for laughing and talking with my sister. Istg my mom be on that fuckin bullshit and then wonder why I wanna move out so fuckin bad. I'm gonna be fucking happy bitch and ill be as loud as I fuckin want IN MY OWN HOUSE. Anyway, enjoy today's chapter :D

"Please open the door y/n."

You were curled up, fetal position and not responding to the big at the door. The music blasting from your earbuds was enough to distract you front the fact that you just shared your fucking origin story with the entire cafeteria.

"Go the fuck away. I don't wanna talk right now."

Your request was very simple, yet people still felt the need to try and get you to come out. You didn't wanna talk anymore. You knew that some would take pity on you which was something you hated. You knew others would think that you were lying and that no one could have possibly had something as sad as that happen to them. You hated that too.

"Dear, open the door." It was your grandma and she sounded pretty tired...and sad. You didn't want to keep her waiting so you quickly opened the door, eyes a bit puffy from crying.

You hardly even movies you were crying. It wasn't something you did really. You didn't like the feeling crying gave you. Unlike others, it was far from relieving.

"Oh look tired." She spoke softly, taking your semi-cold hands into her warm ones. She pressed a kiss to your palm and smiled before making her way to the kitchen.


Still standing in front of your door were Todoroki, Mina, and Sero. It an odd trio considering they were never seen together much as a group.

"Hey, you feeling?" Mina spoke after Todoroki, shifting from side to side seeing as she was unsure if she was allowed to give you a hug.

Mina had already known about you since the two of you had been friends for the longest time. 7 years in fact. 

"Yeah. Thanks for coming. I'm sorry I was being so stubborn. I haven't been myself the past few days." You glanced at Todoroki this time, his heterochromatic hues locking with yours.

"And you too Sero. Thank you." The ebony-haired boy nodded with his usual laidback smile.

"Anyway, I think my grandma's cooking...did you guys want to stay for something to eat?" You offer with a small smile while Mina's only grows wider.

"Of course! I'll set the table." She dashed inside your home, but not before embracing you in a secure hug.

"Oh and I can help her in the kitchen." Sero hummed, patting your shoulder in reassurance.

Soon Todoroki's approached the door and you frown, purposely blocking his way in.

"And what can you help with exactly? You gonna convince me to get some fucking dogs again and then try to fuck me?"

Why did you say that? Hanging out with him had been one of the better days you'd had before Bakugou turned it sour.

"Wow. I-I just assumed that you also wanted me to stay as well. I'm sorry about that day. Gosh, there's so much I want to tell you...where are the dogs by the way?" He rambled on while fidgeting with the hem of his sweater.

"I got rid of them. I couldn't afford to keep up with them on my own so now a little kid somewhere in Japan is giving them the love they deserve." You explain, also fidgeting, but with the doorknob instead of a sweater.  You'd made it awkward, hadn't you? God, what was wrong with you? You couldn't even feel his energy. Well, he was fuckin nervous for one thing but...not scared.

"Ah...I see. Well, I'll be on my way if-." You grabbed his wrist before he could get away from the door.

"Stay. For a while actually. I don't know why I said what I did about that day  but I want you to stay." The words spill from your lips like a broken record, skipping and pausing with a stutter.

"Okay. If you'll allow me to."

—time skip—

The table was set and Sero began to help your grandma place the food on the table since she was a bit smaller than the four of you.

"Sero, thank you, dear. I don't think I could've cooked as well by myself!" Your grandma thanked them while Sero chuckled in response and smiled.

"No problem! What kind of hero would I be if I didn't help those in need?" He rolled up his sleeves and began serving everyone a bit of the beef stew that was cooked. 

The soft echo of  "Itadakimasu" resounded from all of you before you began to enjoy the meal that was prepared.

"This is delicious, thank you Sero! Thank you, Grams!" You hum in delight, still savoring the stew.

"You're welcome, dear. Your friend here did most of the work! He's such a gentleman!"

"Awe it's no biggie! Thank you though Miss Recovery Girl!" Sero chuckled, trying to figure out what he should call your grandma without sounding disrespectful in any way.

-later that night-

It had been at least 4 hours since they had all came over and now you were all playing cards against humanity. Even your grandma was laughing at the context of the cards! However, all good things must come to an end.

"Alright girl, me and Sero are gonna head out! We gotta be at his sister's kindergarten graduation early morning tomorrow!" Mina explained, car keys in hand and a smile on her face.

Sero nodded, hands in his pockets, following Mina out the door. You nod and bid them goodbye. Next to follow was your grandma who had informed you of leftovers in the fridge and a special surprise for you if you felt like having dessert.

Make sure your brush your teeth after dear, don't want the sugars just sitting there!" She kissed you quickly and excited as well.

Now the two of you were alone. Just you and Todoroki in the living room filled with tension so thick you could cut it.

"So, what's been up with you?" You ask, getting up and striding to the kitchen to fix some tea for yourself.

Todoroki followed close behind, also wanting to get some himself.

"Well, I found out I have a secret brother that hates my guts so there's that." He explained with a bitter chuckle. It was a bit out of character for Todoroki to do something like that but you assumed it was because he was so relaxed around you.
MWhich was also strange since there was tension not too long ago in the silence of the living room.

"Oh really? That's rough buddy." You respond, handing him a mug of hot water you'd just microwaved.

He nodded, placing the teabag in and waiting. "Yeah...anyway about you." He paused, glancing up at your eyes for a moment, trying to gauge how you'd respond.

"I've been thinking. I mean....about you and Bakugou and why I decided to spill my guts to some strangers in the cafeteria?" You placed your mug down and hopped up to sit on the counter.

"Ah, I see. Well, thinking is good." he sipped at his tea slowly, taking time to glance up at you ever so often.

"Don't look at me like that...because whenever you do all I can see is how you looked at me in the bathroom that day and how you looked like you pitied me in the cafeteria..."

Todoroki paused and gave a small smile. "Well, I guess this will be my last time looking at you... considering the fact that I and Momo just got together a few days ago..."


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