Chapter Four

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Your eyes peeled open while the sun shone through the curtains of your room.

"Good morning." You yawn, hopping out of the bed groggily.

The events of yesterday hit you like a truck. The steady ring of your phone filled the room, startling you just a tad before you answered it.

"I don't think I like talking to snitches very much!" You grunt out, putting the older lady on speaker.

"Hush up! And don't get fresh with me young lady! I'll be by to pick you up and we are going to this conference wether you like it or not." You sigh and adjust your backpack straps.

"I talked to him yesterday. He came over and I did my best trying to apologize to him."

She have a faint 'hm' and sighed.

"That's not going to fix your months worth of damage."

You nod, even though she couldn't see you. "I'm outside, hurry so we can be early." You mumble and okay and hang up.

"I should text him." You think out loud, Bakugou's image flashing in your head for a second.

You felt you cheeks heat up. A smile painted your features before you cringed.

"Stop that." You scolded yourself, closing out of messenger and heading out to your grandmothers car.


"Miss l/n you are you aware of the fact that your behavior could get you kicked out?" Nezu asked bitterly, waiting for your answer.

Did he think you were stupid? You were more than knowing of your consequences once confronted of bullying another student, not only mentally but also physically.

"Yes sir. I'm not stupid." You growl, only to have your grandma nudge you, hard.

"Sir I don't get mad I get even." You explain, folding your hands, eyes flashing your signature acid pink. He was beginning to irritate you.

"Since you and Bakugo have potential and need to be punished, you two will be serving detention for the rest of the week." You nod and roll your eyes.

"You do know he's done way worse to people than I have right?" You growl hoping they knew.

Your feelings for the ash blonde were jumbled. You still hated him. Deeply hated him. But you also wanted to fix him, and have him fall hard for you. The other half wanted him struggling to breather with your hand wrapped firmly around his throat.

"You know that. Right?" You raised your voice and began to have a stare down with Nezu.

"Yes, I am aware and it is being taken care of. You will also be put in charge of setting up the annual Fall Homecoming. No help just you." You gasped, looking from your grandma to Nezu.

"That's not fair!" You exclaim, in shock that he'd make you do that. There was silence and you growl.

"Fine. Are we done?" He nodded and began pouring himself some tea.

"We are, have a nice day." You left the office beyond pissed. Your grandma exited as soon after you and chuckled.

"You see how karma works deary?" She chuckled, placing a small strawberry candy in your hand.

"Yeah yeah. Bye grandma." She waved back and left you to get to class. You trudged through the hallway and sighed.

"Detention and the Fall Homecoming." You sighed and shook your head, opening 1A's classroom door.

"Oh hey y/n! Why the long face?" Denki joked as you shake your head and glare at Bakugou.

"Nothing! I'm okay!" You plastered a smile on your face and ruffled the blondes hair.

You took your seat next to Bakugou and leaned towards him. He didn't flinch this time. It was refreshing. 'See! Already making progress.' You thought to yourself. He closed his notebook and turned to you.

"That apology meant nothing. I know you got a call from Nezu. He probably told you to give me that apology didn't he." He growled, small explosions exiting his hands.

"You don't care about apologizing at all. Now I'm forced to spend a week with you? God y/n you're sick a fucking fake."

You choked. He called you fake? Fake. As in, not real, irrelevant, not genuine. His next words shocked you.

"I hate you."

It shook you. The deepest parts parts of you shook. Blood running cold and heart stopping. Your brain was all too quick to process what he had said.

The once soft and squishy feeling you had at the sight of his soft, rosy cheeks or plump pink lips was replaced with one of hurt and bitterness. You soaked up the hatred in his words. The anger behind them. Or left a bad taste in your mouth to say the least.

"We have detention together so you'd better get used to me."

He shook his head and looked away from you.

"I know what else you're doing too. And I don't want to be any part of it. But I'm being forced to. Just know you'll be doing all the work." You figured he was talking about the Fall Homecoming.

Your conversation was covered by other students talking amongst themselves. If seemed like the two of you were sharing a secret. You wanted him to talk.

You'd give anything to see his lips move and press into a thin like. It see his tongue dart out to lick them once in a while. You give anything to hear his scratchy strained voice. The one that was damaged from all his yelling.

The one that sounded like fire and charred glass shards. Your thoughts went so far as to imagine what would happen if you pressed your lips to his in a intimate action, pulling his face close to yours.

Would it feel like fireworks and popcorn machines working to make fresh popcorn. Or maybe the sweet creaminess of ice cream mocha and kohakuto. How he'd react if you slipped your tongue into his mouth, having the feeling of flight, like everyone else had disappeared. You needed to speak and not space out

"Listen I-." Before you could say anything he grabbed your wrist, feeling a popping sensation brewing there.

"I don't want to hear a damn think you have to say to me. Fuck you." He pulled away and continued his writing. The burning sensations in your wrist, lips, and chest rose one last question for yourself and him, yet you'd never bring yourself to ask.

"What am I supposed to do with these left over feelings."

Karma's a bitch {Bakugou x Bully!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now