Chapter 14 (Rewrite)

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Your body was kept warm next to Mirio's. He was sound asleep, lips slightly parted and hair a mess. You fought the urge to kiss him sweetly.

Making sure not to wake him, you move from the bed to the bathroom, not bothering to cover yourself up because what was the point really? It was just you and Mirio and he'd seen more parts of you than you could count. All in one night too.

You started the shower, grabbing your toothbrush as to kill two birds with one stone.

You couldn't leave him here... It was YOUR dorm room.

This mf had you trapped.

What were you going to do?

Leaving a note felt to cliche...

You decided to just get dressed and leave. You needed some air anyway.

winter had made its way to Japan and snow-covered parts of the ground. It was easy to see your breath in the cold air. Your ears felt almost frozen as you walked off campus toward the nearest cafe. 

What we're you thinking this morning? You didn't even remember to bring your gloves and scarf. It was a bit too chilly for your liking.

It was just your luck when it started to snow. How far was this damn cafe anyway! You needed shelter and fast! Other pedestrians began walking into stores to keep from the cold. The wind had picked up significantly and more show began to fall and cover the sidewalk.

Your teeth are chattering now, the tips of your fingers becoming numb. Nose and ears feeling frozen.

"Hey, get in here lady there's a snowstorm brewing." The shop owner explains, holding the door open for you.

You dash in, immediately relaxing from the inside heat. There's coffee, tea, and hot chocolate on the house. Marney just made cookies and scones so you youngins should be warmed up and on your way in no time! Wouldn't want yall to go hungry!" The shop owner spoke.

Yall? Youngins? You knew you weren't the only one there but who else could possibly be as young-

"Oh! Hey y/n! Caught in the storm too?"

Turns out, you weren't the only one who needed air and a coffee.

"Uraraka! Wow! And Bakugou too! what a real treat." You smile forcefully, sticking your hands into your jacket pocket.

"Don't start woman. We're gonna be here for a while." Bakugou scowls, sitting farther away from Uraraka than expected.

"Are you okay? You really got the worst of the storm outside. We were here earlier." Todoroki speaks as Kirishima sips from the mug in his hand.

Momo only gave a small wave and proceeded to write in the notepad she had.

"Wowww, the gangs all here huh? I'm fine thank you. Just a little cold." you explain, trying to warm your hands and ears up.

"Here, I can help." Todoroki speaks, approaching you slowly before taking your cold hands into his own.

"Is this better?" He asks, hands warming up like a mini oven.

You couldn't deny that it felt comforting to have him warming you up.

"Yes. Thank you." You hum, going to move away, but his hand cupped over your ear.

"Can we talk later? I....I wanted to talk to you about something."

All you could muster was a slight nod, seeing as Momo was giving you the worst death glare in history.

You made your way to the counter to grab a coffee and anything else to stay warm with. You also decided to grab yourself a cookie. You had deserved it after all.

"So, chocolate chip huh?" Bakugou gruffs, taking a seat next to you in an empty bean bag chair.

"Yeah." You scoff, pulling you knees to your chest for comfort.

"How've you been." He pries, clearing his throat.

Maybe if you ignore him he'll go away.

"Listen...can we talk later? Its important. I know its weird I'm just sticking up a conversation with you but seriously. Y/n..."

You snap your neck to meet his gaze. You hadn't stared at bakugou this long in a while. You had forgotten how pretty his eyes were when they held a softer gaze.

His face was littered with light brown freckles here and there and his gauges were small. He must have started that recently.

"Listen....5 minutes. You can have 5 minutes of my time." you explain. taking a small bit of the now cooled off cookie.

"okay. Thank you."

Bakugou stood, leaving you alone on the chair.

This storm still hadn't blown over yet? You gaze out the window, seeing snow up to the handle of the door. Great. You were stuck here.

It was better than being stuck at the dorms.

Your phone buzzes with a new text message.

"where are you? this storm is pretty bad. just wanna make sure you're safe <3"

It was Mirio. Gosh he was a sweet heart...much unlike yourself.

you decided not to respond. You were fine and he was probably just asking to see if he could leave the apartment.

The smell of cinnamon and nutmeg fills the open cafe air as chatter amongst the others plays in your ears.

"Can we talk now please?" Todoroki pries, looking down at you from where he was standing.

It was strange seeing him talk to you again after what happened. The days were blending together and apparently it had been about 3 weeks since you two last spoke. gross.

"Sure...Where?" You ask, standing to follow him to a more private area of the cafe.

You make your way down a hallway, making eye contact with Momo along the way. She didn't look happy.

"Todoroki what the hell is this about?" You whisper, seeing him close the door behind himself.

The two of you ended up in what looked like office with a simple round table and some chairs. A few boxes of glass mugs strewn here and there.

"I...Im sorry. It was childish of me to leave you alone like that for so long. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that." He hums, heterochromatic orbs staring into your soul.

"No, you shouldn't be apologizing. I was being stupid. I shouldn't have disrespected your relationship with Momo." You hum, fidgeting with your hands.

The boy cups your cheeks, stroking your now warmed face with his thumbs.

"That day you patched me up...I don't think I ever properly thanked you." He explains, one of his hands now at the base of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair.

" wasn't exactly the most convenient situation then." You huff.

"Well thank you." He hums, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

His lips were cold, yet soft. You'd wanted to feel those lips so long ago...

Why did it change now?

"Well... Thanks. I'm gonna go back now..Um. yeah." You explain, moving his hands from your body. 

He nods, letting you leave and get back to your lonesome little corner of the cafe. 

Now the only person left to talk to was Bakugou...and you were in no way excited about that. 

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