Chapter 15

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The storm outside hadn't cleared up and didn't seem like it would be anytime soon. 

You sat quietly in your little secluded corner of the cafe, macchiato in hand. The sound of the light chatter amongst your 'peers' was beginning to anger you and you really needed some air. You didn't how much longer you could take the smell of coffee beans. 

No one had even bothered to come to talk to you besides Todoroki and no one you tried to call on your phone would pick up. 


"Hey, can we talk?" A voice whispers, the shadow of their frame surrounding you. 

It was Bakugou. 

"Sure. Not much to say but sure." You hum, standing to your feet before following him to the back room where you and Todoroki had spoken prior. 

He shut the door behind him, looking around the room a bit in anticipation while you stood still with your arms crossed over your chest. 

"So, what did you want to talk to me about." You question, seeing his cheeks flush red. 

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush y/n" He hums, looking into your (e/c) hues with his cherry red ones. 

"I haven't been good to you. I used you, and hurt you, and put you through hell...and I'm sorry. I know you probably don't want to forgive me..and I'm not asking for forgiveness." He explains, keeping his eyes on you. 

"I just want to let you know that I'm sorry.  I didn't want to shoot you a text. Thought that'd be disrespectful. I needed to say this to your face." 

You nod, trying to process everything. Too many people wanted to talk to you and either apologize or thank you. 

"Thanks, I guess. I accept your apology but this doesn't mean I'll forget what you did." You answer. 

He shakes his head. 

"I understand. "

It's silent for a moment, the two of you shuffling on the balls of your feet briefly before you speak again. 

"So, how things with Ochako? You two seem happy." You hum, keeping in mind the distance between them earlier. 

"Not great. I'm pretty sure we both want to break up with each other..we just haven't figured out the best way about going about it. I don't want to hurt her and m sure she doesn't want to hurt me." He explains hands shoved into his pocket. 

He was avoiding eye contact with you too, his gaze was fixed on his shoes. 

"She's been cheating on me...with Izuku. I should have seen it from a mile away but, you know. Im not even mad about it."

"Why's that?" You hum in confusion. 

He shrugs and shakes his head, looking behind him as if he was trying to find the words from somewhere else.

"I haven't figured that part out yet. I should be furious but, Deku is a better choice for her. And I'm sure that id likes to be with you. Maybe start over?" He offers, your heart beating wildly in your chest.

What??? Start over? Did he hit his thick ass head or something? Why would you ever even consider going back to him after all of that? He beat the fuck out of  Todoroki, practically destroyed your confidence and since then you haven't been able to eat much point black! The lousiest meal you could get was from the sulking drunks at the bar not too far down the street and quite frankly it was getting pathetic!

You sneer, eyes narrow,  stance defensive. 

"No, I appreciate the apology but no. I never put myself through that again just t feel something for what 5 seconds? I have better options and clearly so does Uraraka-" You cover your mouth when it slips out. 

Your hand meant to take it that far but your mouth moved faster than your brain. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that i-"

He holds his hand up and nods, leaving you alone in the empty backroom, alone.


OKAYYYY I KNOW THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT ummmm just been busy yall I'm trying to get better at updates and stuff lol this piece is one of my favorites cause y/n is such a bitch lol and kind of a pick me and also kind of a slut uhhhhhh

ANYWAYYYY hopefully I have more time to write snd update! Until then see ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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