Chapter 13

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"Fuck me"

"What?" Todoroki choked out, glaring at you, very offended.

"Fuck me. Please. You've only been together for like 24 hours so it doesn't even count. Just fuck me."
Todoroki placed his cup down, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me right now?" His hand slammed onto the hard countertop next to you." Regret began to fill your chest. What were you thinking? Why did you say that ???

"It doesn't even count? Are you fucking serious? Do you think I'm as much of a fucking scumbag as my dad? Seriously?" Todoroki's hand was beginning to heat and the countertop began to warm with the flames that made their way from the boys' hands.

"I-I didn't say that. Calm down you're scaring me."

The last part wasn't true, but at this point, you were hoping for some pity. No...if you wanted pity then you'd call Midoriya. Better yet, your call Bakugou.

"You're not worth my time right now. Don't call me. Or text me...for a long while."

Todoroki grabbed his keys, and left your small apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Your mind had to be at a track meet with how fast it was racing.

Call him.

You followed the small voice in the back of your head

And dialed in a number you'd long deleted.
But you could never delete him from your life completely.

You: Hey

702-330-2389: what? Who is this?

Guess he deleted your number too. Or maybe he was just pretending to not know who you were.

You: It's y/n. Come over. We need to talk.

702-330-2389: Wtf? Why? Todoroki didn't fuck you so now you want me to?

You: no. Stfu. We just need to talk.

-contact has been changed-

Bakugou: fine. I'll be there

You: actually nevermind! Thanks anyway!

Texting Bakugou wasn't the best idea but neither was the one you were willing to implement at the moment.


"Hey y/n we got your message, is everything okay?" Mirio spoke from your front door. "Oh! Yes! Please come in." You call out as the blonde follows your instructions.

Now, why would you call Mirio over? Probably because you had a very important dick appointment with said boy. Of course, he was all too eager. You hit it off after you met when he came in to talk to 1-A.

"So you said you were frustrated? I came to help out." The boy's smile was absolutely sickeningly sweet in the best way possible.

"Right. Um, I was actually wondering if... maybe we could relive it in a different way. You know?" You explain, tracing his chest with a smile.


Laying against the sticky warms of Mirio's skin only make you recoil from yourself in disgust.

You felt....empty still.

Despite being filled by him minutes before and having his hard hand intertwine with your  significantly smaller one, you still felt empty.

You didn't have the guts to push away from him right now so you say silently while he strained your shoulder with his thumb, littering small kisses here and there.

"Do you ever feel empty? Or are you just happy all the time?" You whisper out, clutching the sheets beneath you.

"I feel empty almost every day. Which is why I act happy l the time I guess. I don't want to let people in so if I just smile and wave, no one will have to worry about me." He explains, voice a bit hoarse from the nights' activities.

"Then what're you letting me in right now? Post nut clarity or something?" You scoff, turning to face him.

He shrugs, searching your eyes for an answer he'd never get.

"Why'd you call me over?" He asks, tracing your lower lip with his thumb.

"I don't know. I guess I thought you'd make me feel less.....empty I guess. I needed to feel something. Anything other than what I was feeling before you got here." You explain,  not quite understanding why you decided to talk to him.

"I get that. Kinda hurts but I get it." He chuckled, turning to lay on his back and stare up at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry." You whisper, finding yourself crawling over him and sitting atop his naked waist.

"One more time? Please? I wanna feel you again." You hum, placing your hands against his chest with a coy smile.

Mirio only smiled softly and placed his hands at your sides.

You could already feel him pressing against your wetness and sending to get inside you already.

"How about we forget about being sad and just think about each other." You suggest, sinking down on his cock with a soft whimper.

"Yeah, yeah let's do that." Mirio whines, bucking into you with ease.

Alright you guys this chapter is a lil short but I'm still working on more! Let me know what you guys think and what you wanna see next! PEACE 💅🏾✨

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