Chapter Five

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"I fucking hate you. I hate you so much!" You moaned, ridding his rock hard cock on the desk.

"No you fucking don't. If you did we wouldn't be fucking in an empty classroom. Shit you're tight." He growled, flipping you onto your stomach, bent over the desk.

"Take it y/n." He moaned, slapping back into your walls eagerly.

"Ahhh! Shit!" You moaned, fingers curling over the desk edge.

"Fuck. God I hate you but love you at the same." Bakugou kissed your neck, leaving marks on his way to your shoulder.

You woke up in a cold sweat

"These dreams really need to stop." You sigh, shaking your head upset that they kept showing up but even more so mad because it ended.

"He said he hated you remember?" You chuckle bitterly and put on the uniform. His eyes ran through your memory along with the events in which he clearly explained how he hated you.

The days events all went as planned. You got dressed and ready for school. Went to school. Went to your classes. Had lunch. Ran into Bakugou.

"Damnit y/n watch where you're going. It's bad enough I have to see you after school." You sighed and went to pick up the notebook and pencil that dropped.

You had a sketchbook of sorts. It contained pen drawings, paintings, sketches, small notes here and there, small drawing ideas. That notebook was pretty much the love of your life. And he seen it. It was face open, a drawing of....him.

His eyes dragged upward into your own, burning away at the color. Of looks could kill you'd be on your deathbed.

"What the fuck is that." He growled, scooping up the notebook in anger, being rougher with it than you liked.

"Give it back." You huffed in panic. You were far from scared of him. And he had gotten over being scared of you rather quickly. It was somewhat an equally emotional match, accept you were a little more worried. He said he hated you.

What if he did something to your notebook? He chuckled and looked through the pages.

"You're a fucking weirdo. He proceeded to tear a page out. Burning it to nothing but ashes, then dropping the book at your feet. He'd also burned the corner he was holding. Nothing hurt that much. You'd made that notebook with your grandma.

She had handmade that book cover that now had a charred corner. Helped you stack the paper and help if stay in one piece. Your eyes watered.

"Fuck you! I HATE YOU!" You hardly paid attention to the way the lockers rattled at your loud declaration and some students and teachers came out of the class, covering their ears and trying to see what was going on. You picked it up and backed away, seeing Bakugo walking away with a smug grin.

Embarrassed you hid in the nearest bathroom. You weren't one to cry but at the moment you were bawling.


"Welcome to detention. Y/n and Bakugou, you will be working on the schools dance so get started." Aizawa left the classroom, the tension between you and Bakugou filling the open air.

"So what're we going to-." You cut him off, venom running through your words, seeping into his skin.

"Don't fucking talk to me." You pulled out the damaged book and began sketching a plan.

"I'm going to be doing it. You'll fuck it up." He growled and got up. You didn't bother to look at him but you soon felt his presence lingering over your shoulder.

"Can you go away?" He scoffed at your request and rolled his eyes.

"No." You groaned in annoyance and continues working.

"I only tore out the picture of me. Everything else was really...nice." Your stomach seemed to tie in knots.

"Thank you but it still doesn't make up for you burning the cover. Or saying that I'm weird for drawing. Doesn't make up for embarrassing me. Or making me cry. Or saying you hated m-." You needed to stop yourself.

So what if he said he hated you?! You didn't care! You didn't care? Right?

"Saying that I hated you? That was what you were going to say right?" His hand rested on your shoulder, Slowly creeping upward to your neck in the position as if to choke you.

"I don't hate you that much. I actually kind of like you. Like a love hate kind of thing. And I'm sorry for making you cry." He cringed at his own words.

You could tell he hadn't said something like that before.

"Me too. I mean I really do hate you...but I like you too. And I think that's what I hate. The fact that I still like you even though you're a fucking dick." He scoffed again and slightly tightened the grip on your neck.

"I could kill you if I wanted to. But then your parents would get mad and sue me. And I don't think I give that much of a shit about you to go to prison for it." You chuckled. You knew he that could already.

And you could kill him. Both of you could kill each other easy. But that small fact only added to the bittersweet crush you both had on one another. The feeling it gave you was intoxicating.

"What are you a masochist or something?" He laughed lightly and let go, sitting in the empty desk next to you.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Oh you would. You would love to know. What he'd do to you. If he was really into it. If your dreams and short lived fantasies would be semi accurate to the real thing.

"Hello? Bakugou to dip shit can you read me?" You punched his shoulder.

"Fuck you and help me plan this damn dance." He laughed and leaned over you again.

His rough, calloused hand brushing against your arm or hand ever so often. Who knew what a small touch would do to you, wetness pooling between your legs.

You growled lowly not only anger but embarrassment. Why did he have such an effect on you?! Why!? Your face was beginning to feel hot.

"Hey you alright you look sick? Don't fuckin puke on me or anything." He placed his hand on your forehead, furrowing his brows before it hit him.

"You're fluster huh? Is it because of me?" You face went a darker shade of red.

"IT IS ISN'T IT!" He barked in laughter and you covered your face.

"OH SHUT UP WE STILL HATE EACH OTHER REMEMBER!" You joke as the laughter continues.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bittersweet. Maybe you'd both get along and accept and apologize and move on. Maybe be together if you could both let go of your pride.......

or maybe it would be more bitter than sweet.........

Karma's a bitch {Bakugou x Bully!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now