Chapter Eight

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He hadn't talked to you in weeks. It's almost been a month. Why hasn't he talked to you. He wouldn't even look in your direction let alone allow you sit with the rest of his friends.

"It's my fault. He got what he wanted. He got exactly when he wanted from me and now I'm nothing to him." You huff, fighting back tears from making yourself sad.

"Why are you crying? Who do I need to beat up." You gazed up to see a mix of white and red hair.

Perfectly matching the icy blue and grey hues you seemed to slip into and damn near drown.

"It's n-nothing. I can promise you." Damn stutter let him know right away that you were lying.

"What've you got to lie to me for? Also, don't make promises you can't keep." He responds.

You laughed and wiped your tears.

"Tell me about it. Making false promises." You felt helpless, curling up, knees to your chest, head buried deep in the abyss of your arms.

You felt his cool hand tug your arm gently, and a soft, sweet smile came into view.

"I don't do this often. Let alone talk to people I don't know. But would you like to come to the little pet store not too far from here?"

You chuckled and nodded. It wouldn't hurt to get out the dorms. You'd been cooped up for the past week wallowing in self pity.

"Yeah. W-Why are you going there?" You asked, pulling your rain coat over yourself as he kindly and gently wrapped a scarf around you.
He paused and swallowed the lump in his throat. You felt your face heat up. It was time to stop crying over Bakugo for once. It was very clear he hadn't wanted you.

"You're cute." It had slipped out of your mouth and lingered in the air so long that you'd wished you could push every last letter into your mouth and down your parched throat.

"You too." The pale, smooth, porcelain skin of his face was dusted with pink.

"Let's head out before it starts raining any harder." You both ducked out of the dorms holding hands  and speed walked to your destination.

Once you entered you were greeted by the mellow barks and meows of all the cute little puppies and kittens in their play pins.

"Oh! Look!" You squealed, immediately running over to the little Husky and Dalmatian pups curled up together, fast asleep. There were some Doberman pups and one very chonky and wrinkly Bulldog puppy.

"Todo! They're so cute! Oh my gosh!"

He blushed at the sudden nickname.

"Todo." He repeated, with a smile.

"Anyway, do you want one, or both? We could adopt." You'd never adapted to someone so quickly, felt so comfortable with someone.

"Both." His voice was smooth and calm. Like the steady fall of rain outside. His hands were warm and cold at the same time, it was interesting. You wanted more of wanted him. Him.


You snapped out of your stupor and smiled.

"Well, lets go adopt!" You walked to the register with him and the bell at the entrance door rang as one of the shelter employees greeted the people walking in.

"It's quite the storm outside wouldn't you say?" You didn't pay attention to the response until you realized that the voice was all too familiar.

"Hell yeah, almost blew her away." The giggle that followed let your know everything.

"So Katsu! What puppy should we adopt." Time stopped. Your breath caught in your throat and you felt nauseous.

"Whatever you want babe." It was Bakugou...and when you turned around a slightly to get a peak at the girl he was with you gagged, an anxious feeling taking over your stomach, making the contents inside bubble upward. It was Bakugou and Uraraka.

"You okay y/n?"


You lurch forward and gagged into your cupped hands. Todoroki dropped the money on the counter and helped you to the bathroom.

You hadn't even realized you were crying all the while you were gagging.

"Y/n are you okay? What happened?" The feeling of Todoroki rubbing your back in small circles with the warmth of his hand soothed you.

"I got dizzy." You lied through your teeth and pulled a fake, sickeningly sweet smile.

"Let's get the puppies and go back to the school?" He gave a small smile and continues to rub your back.

" you want to get boba on our way back, or hot chocolate? Anything to make you feel better." He offered, massaging your shoulders.

"Yes please." He chuckled and stroked your cheek.

"I'm gonna go pay for the pups and then we can go okay?" You nod and rest your head in your hands. When he left you'd never broken down harder in your life.

-at the register-

"Sir is she going to be okay?" The cashier asked, calling another employee to bring the dogs.

"Yeah she's gonna be okay...I'm actually really glad I brought her out of the dorms. Some jackass must've really broke her heart."

Todoroki glared at Bakugou who rolled his eyes and gave a slight 'Tch'.

Uraraka was playing with the puppies in a different pen so she couldn't really hear what was going on.

"You know she's just gonna try and sleep with you." The rasp of Bakugous voice made Todoroki shudder with rage.

"Excuse me?" Todoroki had the two puppies on their leashes.

"I mean, think about it. Why else would she have taken a trip with you. She barely knows you." Todoroki's fist curled around the leash until his knuckles turn white.

"Shut your damn mouth."

Bakugou only laughed.

"Or else what? Y/n is so touch starved she'll do anything for some dick." You exited the bathroom, arms curled around yourself in a hug. It made you feel secure.

Your head was down and a smile soon graced your features after seeing the Bulldog and the Doberman puppies.

"Let's go y/n." Todoroki grabbed your hand, glaring at Bakugou the entire time.

"Be sure to ask nicely when you dick her down. Just like I did." You froze and dashed out the door.

You couldn't look at him or hear him. It hurt to bad. You didn't notice that Todoroki was gone until there was a lot of racket outside along with the sound of the rain and booming thunder.

"You jackass!" Todoroki had punched the ash blonde square in the face, pinning him and continuing to beat his face in.

"Stop! Stop it Todoroki!" You tried to pull him off, but to no avail did it work.

"You half and half bastard!" His voice was raspy and the blood from his nose dropped into the rain water as the two liquids mixed. Bakugou punched Todoroki back, sending him flying back into a parked car.

"No! Stop! Stop it!" Your eyes were burning with tears as you crawled towards the two toned boy with Bakugou kicking him in the stomach.

"Just go away! Please just go!" You blocked his next kick, hissing in pain when his boot shoved your forearm. That would definitely bruise.

Todoroki spit into the rain water, trying to wipe away the fountain of blood that poured from his now cut eyebrow, busted lip, and bloody nose.

Bakugou kicked him one last time before wiping his face and going back into the shelter when're Uraraka was waiting for him. You cupped Todoroki's cheeks, seeing that they were flushed and bruised.

"Lets go back to the dorms." You whispered, pulling him over your shoulder to try and support him.

It was clear that coming out today was a bad idea.

Karma's a bitch {Bakugou x Bully!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now