Part 10

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You questioned him as he licked his lips then he started kissing you. it was as if you and him were magnets to each other for the rest of the week as one day y'all were getting out of the shower u put on one of his weird but cute white cropped shirt and a pair of his boxers as u and him sat on the bed watching who was fighting as a commercial break came on to announce to annual 100 year dance for all the arena participants you looked at him and said their dances here he said yeah but not in a while. You laughed well I need to go shopping as he smirked u actually going you said ofc why not it sound fun. As he said fine then sense u we're going to ask me any way I'll go with you. You laughed I wasn't planning on going with anyone so ur going to need a new date as u head
for the kitchen.

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