Part 16

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As u and Eric helped him up u got him to the room where you bandaged him up as Eric comment u sure know where everything is in the house u smirked and said I have experience u were so tired u fell asleep on the couch. Eric stayed until hisoka woke up he woke and started feeling for you other side of the bed and looked up where is she before he noticed that I was asleep on Eric lap he said wow your finally awake she been sleeping peaceful as he brushed your hair behind your ear as hisoka said don't touch her you'll regret it. Eric said what are u going to do me it looks like your in bad condition. He said how could u treat such a perfect person so badly I saw everything all the bruise and everything he smirked and said don't worry she was yelling my name when she got them . As Eric said u know she better off with me u know that hisoka I'm better for I mean just look at you You can't even take care of yourself u should have saw the face she made when she came back to get me she was so scared and u put her through that just give a thought I'm leaving but if she not down in her dorm or mine preferably I'll know u made the wrong decision as he walked out he stopped and said hisoka why didn't u beat those guys up u obviously could. He looked at you and said because the one person I love doesn't love me back.

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