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This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.

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"Wow Tris, i didn't know you're still a chick magnet" Sam said laughing her ass off in my office.

"Stop calling me a chick magnet" i retorted, sipping my cigar. Sam was talking about what happened earlier morning at the cafeteria, she witnessed it.

"It seems like Ms.Taylor has taken an interest to you. I mean, she's new, she hardly know you but she cares for you." She sighed. I stared at the window, watching the birds fly back to their nesting as it was near sunset.

"And i think you should really stop smoking. It's bad for your health, you know" she added.

"It's not like I'll die" i retorted and as soon as i answered i saw the sadness on my friend's eye. "Okay... I'll try" i said and she smiled at me but the sadness was still visible.

I stared at the glass at my hand with untouched whiskey. My eyes shifted to the cigarette at my other hand and something inside me stirred. I didn't know what came over me, the cigar was rather just lit and I only had a sip or two but without second thought, I put it off on the ashtray.

"That's more like it" I heard sam commented on it. I just shook my head and finished the rest of the whiskey.

We finished the day smoothly and for once, I was on the train on my way home with sun that just set. The dark pink orange sky can be viewed once I was out of the tunnel. I walked in the street and a lot of people are going for a walk with someone beside them. I stared at the park and there was a family of five that was laughing together.

Inside me, I felt sorrow. I never experienced such thing with my family being an only child. At such a young age, I never knew the feeling of having a complete family. My dreams have hunted me since that time. I wonder how it feels to have a mother growing up? a father who's love is unconditional? how it feels to have petty fights with siblings.

I pushed the thought to the back of my head as I removed my sight from them and walked away. I decided to take a detour before going home and walked a different road and stumbled upon a Chinese restaurant stall. I haven't been to these side to know there was a Chinese restaurant here.

I remember someone took me to a Chinese restaurant during my high school year back at my old home town and I just loved beef dumplings from then on.

"Welcome, please have a seat" A girl in a white clothes and a little white hat on her head said as I entered the small stall underneath a building. I looked around and there wasn't a single costumer here. I walked to the counter and sat on a stool. A woman past her sixty emerges from a curtain blocking a doorway. I could smell the fresh flour from her as she wiped her hand and fixed the cloth above her head.

"Hello... What would you like to eat for tonight?" she asked with a friendly smile plastered on her face. I look up and the menu was there, hanging on a thin wire.

"uh... I'll take a beef pan fried dumpling" I said reading the poorly written words. The woman nodded and wrote it on a piece of paper.

"Anything else?" she asked. I shook my head and she smiled again ripping the paper off and hanged it on the small window and soon some costumer walked in asking for their regulars. As soon as my order came, I payed and left the restaurant. I couldn't stand a small place with lots of unknown people. the crowd suffocates me.

I walked back to my usual route and went to the Starbucks. Got my usual coffee and went back to my apartment. As soon as i entered my apartment, the silence hit me. It reminded me of times where i used to call out to say "I'm home" to Dad who would be drinking or to my Exes that i used to live with.

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