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This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.

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How the hell did I end up here?

As the light turned on, my eyes was met with a button.

I was laying on someone's lap and the button of their shirt was infront of me.

Their smell was passing through my nose as i inhaled and somehow it felt calming. I liked inhaling their scent. I was calming down for a second but then again, i remembered i was in my office and it's probably night now and i just woke up in someone's lap.

How crazy can i be to relax at a time like this?

I slowly lifted my gaze above but i couldn't see their face due to her boobs blocking the way. I felt embarrassed looking up that i looked back at the button. I was numbing from my right hand due to my position so i finally decided to move away. I slowly lifted my body away from them.

"O-oh your awake—" she said that surprised me, making me fall hard to the floor. I didn't feel the pain shooting up but rather i was surprised to see her in my office.

"Are you okay?!" She asked worriedly but i couldn't answer. I just stared at her with questioning look.

"Answer me, Hilfiger. Are you okay?!" She asked worriedly mixed with something that threw me off.

"Y-yes!" I answered immediately, scared of her tone. She was seriously here, and it wasn't a dream because i could now feel the pain at the back of my head from hitting the table. "Fuck!" I cursed as I rub the back of my head. How clumsy of me.

"Geez... Let me see" she said and without warning, I felt her hand touched my hand. Moving it away from my head and kneeled in front of me. Checking the back of my head, I felt a cold breeze— it as her, blowing on it.

"T-there's no need for that, I;m fine" said trying to move away but she grabbed my head, specifically my cheeks and held it steadily as she blew the part where it hurts.

I could feel my chest sped up with every passing seconds. What is she doing to me?

"M-miss Taylor" i call, slightly moving away from her hold. I know deep inside, i wanted to come back but i also know we're in the office.

"I told you to call me Ashley, Tris" she said flopping down the floor, like a little careless teenager.

"But... what are you doing here?" I asked again still confused on how she end up here.

"Well... i was looking for you earlier and your assistant told me you were busy but of course, i discreetly came here and saw you sleeping. I thought it was uncomfortable to sleep with no pillow so i offered my lap and i accidentally dozed off" she explained. "You have one loyal assistant by the way, she insisted you were busy working on the weekly sales chart. She came here earlier too, probably to wake you up but i sent her away" she snickered.

I stared at her for a few second and sighed. This was unprofessional of me, to sleep in the work place.

My heart rate went from a hundred kilometers per hour to an oozing one.

"I'm sorry, Miss Taylor for what i did. I was just tired and such, I'll make it up to you if you gave me a chance" i said in one breath.

"It's fi—" she said but stopped and smiled innocently at me. "Maybe I'll take you up on that offer" she smiled.

HilfigerWhere stories live. Discover now