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This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.

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"Oh you're late coming home again" Bella Greeted as I entered their shop.

"Hey!" her niece greeted also.

"Hey... Were you about to close? I can come back tomorrow" I said waving at them and exited along with my lagguage.

I was only two to three step away when I was pulled back. I turned to see who it was.

"It's not like this is the first time we're closing with you just coming in. Please come back" she said.

"Uh.. Thanks... Lilly" I said, almost forgetting her name. I was trying hard to remember some people's name and somehow I still have a hard time.

"Good, you brought her back" Bella said as we entered the shop.

"Yeah, She walk fast too"

I walked to a table where Lilly pointed and put my bag down. I watched as the two interacted while finishing up. A minute later, Bella arrived at our table with two cups at hand.

"Still the usual, right?" She asked, placing the cup in front of me.

"Thanks" I said, smelling the fragrance of the freshly brewed coffee beans.

"So... You seem like you went somewhere, Haven't seen you this weekend" She said, her graying her looks fresh tonight.

"Yeah, I was on a camping trip with my boss and team"

"Oh did Miss-Pretty came also?" she asked.

"You mean, Miss Taylor? Of course se would, she's our director—  h-how'd you know about her?" I asked.

"Well... There was a time I was passing by your building and this pretty lady was talking to Henry the building owner and she was asking for your spare key. Of course it was my first time seeing the lad and had to ask who and what she is to you. Seeing that she was your Boss— but bosses doesn't do that..." she said with a smile as if she had her imagination running wild.

"Bosses doesn't personally visit their employee... ALONE and looking so worried as if you were in a hospital. Soooo I had this general idea and told Henry to give your key to her as we waited outside your room with a little bit eavesdropping. sorry... but anyway that's that" she explained.

I was just left there staring at this adult I front of me as she explained how she knew that person who's been bugging my head since we left the cabin.

"So... how was your trip?" she asked me.

"It was rather... peculiar." I answered her.

"I'm guessing something happened... but you know, you should try to be a little open and let the world in... you know, even just a little. You never know someone genuinely wanted to know how your day went" She said as she sip her cup.

"Hey Aunt, I'm going back now. Take care on your way. Bye Beatrice!" Lilly suddenly said appearing just by the counter with a small pouch at hand. Their house was just across the street and so does Lilly's apartment.

"Okay, can you tell Mona to heat up the bath after thirty minutes and i'll be there."

"yeah, sure. Bye"

I watched how Lilly exited the shop and just stared at the door. Bella's word were still ringing to my ears. Do I really have to open up?

"You don't have to open up" Bella said that made me look at her in surprise.

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