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This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.

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I just arrived at my office and there was another box of cheesecake on my table, with a card saying it was for me. Who would send this to me? And why?

I tried asking for the security footage around my office but unfortunately the security always turn off the security around that time to securely file the footage from a day before... which was weird.

I discarded the attempts to get the footage anymore in case i piss them off. So now, I'm sitting on my table and just staring at this box with a thank you card address to me.

"Good Morning, Ms.Tris. uh here's your coffee" Jillian said after knocking. I let her come in and place the coffee on my table, my mind were on this box when i notice she hasn't left yet.

"Is there anything you need?" I asked a little rudely, it sort of came out wrong since i was still pondering in my head.

"N-nothing... i mean there's nothing, i just wanted to ask you something, Ms.Tris" she said shyly.

"What is it?" I asked her, giving her my attention. She was madly blushing as she held on the tray she used to bring me my coffee.

"W-wou- um..." her eyes were looking all over the place like she was afraid to look me in the eyes.

"You can tell me, what is it?" I sighed. Thinking i probably scared her or something.

"W-wou- would you l-like to get s-somr din-dinner with me?" She asked.

"Pardon?" I requestex, not fully understanding what she just said.

"Wouldyouliketogetsomedinnerwithme?!" She asked in one breathing. It was funny to see her hold her breathing.

"Dinner? I mean sure, i don't have plans tonight" i said leaning back. It's just dinner, why is she so nervous about it?

"Really? I mean, okay. I-i'll reserve a restaurant." She said with this big smile.

"Okay...? Uh you can go back to work now" i said. Did i get something wrong?

She walked out my office with this happy atmosphere around her, like she just won a lottery.

I took a sip of the coffee and somehow it was too sweet to my liking. Did she mess up with the sugar?

My eyes fell back on the box of cheesecake. It's been a few weeks, who would keep sending this on my office? And why thanks?

I didn't notice the time that i was just staring at the box for an hour, that i haven't started on anything yet. I put the box aside and didn't drink my coffee. I started working on papers and monthly outline of this new product.

Time passed by and i only received a message from Sam, saying lunch has already passed two hours ago. I asked her to just get me something and deliver it in my office, which she did. She got me an iced latte and vegetable sandwich. I didn't like it but i had no choice, i was literally starving when i smelt the two slices of sandwich.

I was still hungry when i finished eating and luckily I didn't give out this cheesecake like i usuallu did. I decided to eat it since Sam was still fine after eating it. I guess it wasn't poisoned.

While i was in the middle of eating this cheesecake that probably came from heaven because it was so fucking good i regret giving it to others the first time, i heard a knock.

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