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This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.

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"So i heard there was shouting earlier?" Sam asked upon entering my office.

It's been a few hours since me and Ms.Taylor had a loud conversation in my own office. I don't even know how things ended.

"Who told you?" I asked.

"Walls have ears you know" Sam said.

I just rolled my eyes and continued to stare at my monitor. I haven't been able to focus, i didn't even start anything i was supposed to do.

"Ah... i've been there" i heard Sam commented, chilling at my couch. "At first, you'll be unable to focus then you'll never notice that you can't get her out of your head and lastly you'll be unable to control yourself. *sigh* the cycle of love" she finishes hitting all the sore spots.

"Don't be ridiculous" i said, giving up my work. I won't even finish a thing if i can't focus. I decided to take a bottle of wine and placed it infront of us.

"Aren't we drinking too early?" She asked but poured herself a glass of red wine.

"Aren't you asking too many questions?"

"Touché" she said clicking her glass to mine and drank it.

It was an hour before the said dinner with Ms.Taylor. I don't even know how to talk to her after what happened.



I stared at her eyes. I couldn't help but notice there was a lot of emotions in them being suppressed. If i know, she could want to punch me and just holding herself back. The distance between our faces made me notice how she was breathing.

I didn't say anything. I kept silent and waited for her to calm down as she stared back straight in my eyes.

She sighed before pulling away from me. Her breath smell like mint from the toothpaste she used.

"Why are you so dense?" She whispered. I looked at her trying to make out with her muttering.

"What did you say?" I asked. Curious to what she said.

"Nothing..." she answered massaging her temples.

"It's not nothing, why am i what?" I asked, throwing her a questioning look.

"I said it's nothing... let's just forget it." She said walking to the door. Of course, my body just sometimes don't listen to me.

I sprinted up to her and pulled her arm, facing her to me. I don't know what came over me to be pulling her and just stare at her as she stared back. Her face was just a few inches away from me with her breath again hitting me. I wanted to lean in but i don't know why and if i do, she'll get angry but then again she was kind of tipping her toes and her eyes kept shifting to my lips like i do.

That was until a knock came from the door behind her.

"Miss Tris, here are the reports from the sales team" it was Jillian. She then suddenly opened the door, surprising me.

I stepped back and cleared my throat as i washed my face with my palm.

"Uhh I'll see you later, Ms.Taylor." i said looking away from her.

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